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Video Games
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Video Games #5105
Video Games
I wanna see these two niggers together
Which of them deserved to die?
What the fuck is sony doing
What is this expression meant to convey?
Arkane Indirectly Confirms Dishonored 3
Why aren't there any game with egyptian setting?
How did southeast asia survive?
GoldenEye doesn't hold up
Holy moly what were they thinking??? This is the worst area so far
July 4-5: Anime games will be announced in Aniplex Online Festival
Tfw no good MMORPG to play
I just wanted to play video games, man. I just wanted to see the PS5 reveal. I just want to see Elden Ring gameplay...
Friendly reminder that you should play No More Heroes if you haven't already
What are some good video games for picking you up out of depression?
Indie Dev Thread
Is Killer7 the only game to truly reach the level of art?
Are you getting it?
Squilliam collage Part 2
Series regains its soul
Thoughts on Kanna ftom BMZ2?
Due to recent events, I have decided to switch from Playstation to Xbox. What are the best Xbox exclusives...
This was the girl they cast to play as video game icon Lady Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movie and its upcoming sequel
What does a Japanese game console reveal have to do with mass riots going on in America?
Something something go and draw vidya
Why did no one like FFXII?
The best part is, you're still going to buy a PS5 day one. Sony has your clit in a fucking cage
How is anyone hyped for Infinite after these messes were released?
Last of Us Part II
Finally beat sekiro
How do you fund your vidya addiction?
Is it worth investing in a NVMe drive for gaming?
Kill all sunsabitches. That's my 'ficial instruction
This plague -- the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
Retarded weapons thread
Japanese game
Post a Tifa thread
What is your usual party setup?
The only good song from the entire game
What games have the best, most atmospheric jungles to explore?
Vidya feet thread
PlayStation 5 delayed
Ludonarrative dissonance
Is there any vidya where monsters are young and beautiful people?
Enough political shit, lets have a good ol fashioned Sonic thread
Who can stop us?
Japan on the PS5 showcase delay
Try to post more epic Final boss theme
Sonic Adventure 3
ITT games you regret buying
What an ending
Zig Forums thinks these women are ugly
"Valve hasn't made a game since 2011"
How do we fix the Fate franchise?
It's gone from
How did Squaresoft fall so fucking hard?
Games where you can be a Roman Centurion?
PS5 reveal is cancelled
The great debate 5 years later and still no definitive answer
Movie game is okay when japan does it
PlayStation 5 delayed
Motion controls
Vidya titty thread
What the fuck, why are there no threads about the biggest news in gaming right now?
Street Fighter 4 looks better than 5
Metroid Role-Playing Thread
I’ve found myself not giving a crap about anything else and loving video games a whole lot more
Typical PS2 female character:
Virtual Reality VR
Looking back, has she even done anything wrong?
Imagine wasting a whole year seething over a console you haven't even seen yet
Who was in the wrong here?
What are the drawbacks to PC gaming?
How doomed is it?
Sega's big announcement has nothing to do with Microsoft or Xbox
Do you trust vidya reviewers?
Why does Zig Forums hate tactical RPGs?
Vidya unboxing
What went wrong?
The absolute state of Snoy
Vidya YLYL thread
How do you create a light gun game for modern home play?
The enemies of Man cannot stand before us
This is Melia. She’s a good girl who deserves lots of love
Hitman 3 Maps
Cute thread
Emulation Thread
I have a sneaky suspicion that they will not be nearly as dominate this time around. Thoughts?
The vita didn't deserve all the hate it got
Twice daily reminder that Watch_Dogs: Legion is going to be a better cyberpunk game than Cyberpunk 2077
Games for when you're at the lowest point of depression?
Haven't made a single video game ever since 2011
The next patch will be hard!
This one seems pretty divisive. Thoughts on it?
For lack of a better term, I haven't played a souls like game since I finished DS3
"wait minute, those numbers..."
Borderlands 2 update literally adding spyware to your PC
There are no valid criticisms that you can level against this game
Your favorite obscure games Zig Forums?
First borderlands I've played. Is zero a mistake for single player...
Can they ever be matched?
Add launcher type attack
Single handedly replaces all your retro consoles
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
When is "Bloodborne is best Souls game!!" meme is going to die?
Hey Zig Forums did you pre-order your PS5 yet?
Nintendo is unironically the least onions tier vidya company
Splatoon 2
Hello, potion seller
I HAVE to play JRPGs and JFGs in English because I can’t stand the 4-5 recycled personality types and voices all...
I think Microsoft is making a big mistake by having their big first-party Xbox SX event in July...
Zig Forums plays worms
Why did it fail?
Played hundreds of MMOs
TFW you get a new game
Play Blue Lions first
ITT: Vidiya girls with femdom characteristics
Atlus doesn't care about Shin Megami Tensei
What are the best citybuilders Zig Forums???
What mouse & keyboard do you use to play video games?
Deep Rock Galactic
How do i kill this guy
ITT: We laugh at Zig Forums
Be good at game
Valkyria chronicles
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
I want another Majima prequel goddamnit
So Zig Forums why haven't you played Enderal Forgotten Stories?
Games for this feel?
Nintendo Gameboy Classic Edition
STR builds in games
Sony is advertising their June 4th event on network television. This is going to be bigger than we expected!
What games are best if you want to play Rome?
Do you think eventually all jackbox packs will be obsolete...
Behold. Spec Ops: TL for men
Niggas trynna talk about Halo
Game lets you change your character's race
Games with this aesthetic?
Good art
How is it now?
Why doesn't this game ever go on sale god damn I've been waiting like a month now
How the fuck do you pronounce this
Post battle station
Is /mon/day over yet?
How to fix Persona
Has this video ever been refuted?
What's the lowest selling game that still got a Smash slot?
Sub status : Cancelled
Jedi Fallen Order
Jap games are only good when they don't make weeb shit
This is America
How does it feel that XIV is never ever going to reach the perfection of this?
How come Sega never made a classic Blaze the Cat game yet?
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Abby is sleeping Zig Forums don't wake her up!
Are you excited for Serious Sam 4?
What is the appeal of Fallout: New Vegas?
Kneel before best girl tifafags
You're not a mooder, right, Zig Forums?
Fires banned
She's ugly
How to end Sony?
Is Helltaker game of the year or game of the decade?
Boss uses unorthodox fighting styles
Buy Sekiro
He's right you know
Is there any legitimate reason to dislike counter strike besides the typical
Play Sakura's game
Did she have to be so cute? I feel like it detracts from the overall vibe of the game
Jannies are deleting LISA threads now
Hatred is 5 years old, say something nice about it
Why did Heroes of the Storm die?
Lobotomy/Ruina Thread
Smash Ultimate DLC Fighters Thread
Wakey Wakey First Impressions Are Out Now!
I wanna get a degree in video games
Gaming in South America
A billionaire, sex god, video game genius, Nostradamus of the XXI century
Let's have a monkey thread
Denuvo's soon-to-be death is not good news just for pirates. It's good news for honest customers too
I’m a 6th grade English teacher...
What am I in for bros?
Final Fantasy 14
Microsoft/SEGA new portable "switch". How hard will it bomb?
GOTY 2021
The eternal debate
Perfect Dark N64
Where the fuck do I go?
Final Fantasy 14
What videogame has the best looking water?
*kills your balance*
Who's your favorite MALE character in Vidya?
Focus science and production in every city
This shit would be a free money, why wont they port it?
What's wrong with a game having sex appeal? Why is there a crusade against "coomers"?
3 more days
Which one of you is enough of an autist to find out what game I've been playing from pic related?
Cyberpunk's Objectively Shit Soundtrack
You can't judge a game before you buy it and play it. The people who hate CS didn't even play it
ITT: Make a great game by combining two games that don't go together
Continuously filters Zig Forums 5 years later with an easy to understand story
Light candles weakest to strongest
Play her game
Why is Terry so popular in Japan?
The weakest console of its generation. Best games are on other systems. Its literally just a cheap dvd player...
Goddess of love
*sip* Total War Warhammer
What did the Pope think of Undertale?
Gaming in Latin America
Do you still enjoy turn based combat in JRPGs...
What am I in for?
Post scenes in video games women will never understand
Switch bros...when will the drought end??
When starting a new game, do you choose normal or hard mode?
PC fags ruined gaming
The Problem with Vidya
Mods are too distracted by race bait threads, quick, post forbidden videogames!
What are your go-to videogames to play when you're tired
How hard will Ghost of Tsushima flop?
ITT: post iconic gaming locations
Silent Hill coming exclusively to PlayStation 5, reveal set for June 4th
Worst Yoshi game
ITT: elden ring trailer in your language
Co-worker uses online lingo irl
I'm literally addicted
Today is a very special day! June 1st, 2020 is the birthday of our favorite idol Risette...
Why does Zig Forums pretend to hate USUM?
...you don't do this user, do you? Surely your little ego isn't THAT fragile, right user?
Is it worth 20€
Am I the only one who thinks Max is top cute?
Final Fantasy SUCKS
"To understand why this is a bad thing we have to face a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the...
Be honest Zig Forums, have you ever been guilty of vidya backseating...
YOU and Me and Her
Why'd he do it bros?
The FFXVI protagonist needs to be a woman and the antagonist too...
Aeris or Aerith?
SEGA news scoop in Famitsu
Dragon Quest
Mario Tennis Ultra Smash
How do we fix it?
Games where a developer instantly filters journalists
Vernon Roche or Iorveth?
Play Fighting Games
PS5 Event
Videogames can't ease the pain anymore
How was THIS a good idea in any way?
We must dissent
Why did Fran never become an icon like Tifa or Lulu?
Guy selling an item
Why is it that GTA III feels comfier than any other open world game? I don’t know what it is
Clubhouse games comes out in 4 days, where is the hype Zig Forums?
ITT:games only you have played
Is XC2 as cringe as it looks from the outside?
Cardfight!! Vanguard ZERO
Change my mind
IRL bosses
Why haven't governments seen the potentiality of using video games as replacements for actual warfare...
Why do people here always complain that games are bad now?
What is the worst video game controller you have ever seen?
If Sekiro isn't your favorite Fromsoft game then you're probably from a site called reddit
Any good prison games out there?
America is going down, twitter full with blm, Uncle Tim in the meantime gives tech support for his store...
Modern Warfare 2 was the last good COD
ITT: Zig Forumsidya buyer regrets
When did Steam become so fucking awful?
What level of pure ludo are we expecting here? GOTY? 10/10?
Worst vidya nationality to play with?
So this is the closest thing we will ever get to a new Silent Hill game?
What's the first game that comes to your mind after seeing this word?
Begin a new game
Trials of Mana
Shit controls
Now that the honeymoon phase is over and the shitposters have gone back to discord...
Hey Rando, what does this gesture mean?
Riot is not SJ-
Just reminding Zig Forums that these are some of the worst remakes to exist
Yes, don't mind me I'm just the most incredible and scenic area in any game ever
Guilty Gear devs have responded to CBT feedbacks. Thoughts?
I'm playing through this and its actually pretty good, why was this memed as the worst game ever?
Video games
Opinions on this man?
Independent of the censorship issues is this actually a good game?
PS5 IO's innovative Design
Hows the enemy variety?
Do you break stuff when you get mad at a video game?
Left: unfun
Are you going to play Fubuki's game?
Play Terraria
Why do people still pretend Xenoblade is better than FF12?
Are we finally done being contrarians and pretending that this isn't the most well-crafted videogame of the last decade...
Russia approves Japan's Avigan against Covid-19
Game's main factions are the exact same
Is this it? Have we entered the Deus Ex timeline where everything goes to shit?
What's your honest thought on the Remake design of Tifa?
Every game is going to look very generic and soulless next console generation
What's the most powerful gamer fuel?
Post GENUINE Gamer Cringe
Vendors refuse to sell you certain items until you grind enough reputation
Will we get DMC5:SE for the PS5 with playable Vergil? Also, comfy DMC thread
None of you actually live like this, right?
New System Shock game coming out
How do we save the fighting game genre?
ITT: Sequels superior to their predecessors in every way. Starting with an obvious one
It's past 4 o clock in the morning. What video games did you play today
The most brutal game of all time
What's the most obnoxious nationality to play against online?
Why didn’t you guys tell me how good this game was?
What games do they think they stole?
If JoJo were to have a non-fighting game, what would you want, user?
16 years and there still has not been a single game that has come out that has reached the quality of this game
Why don't you have a GPD Win Max?
Dragon Ball
Video games peaked with the 6th gen and there's no argument against that
So who is the best girl in Vampire: The Masquerade and why is it Rosa?
Was he a pleb filter...
What are your red flags Zig Forums?
It was a good twist
Am*ricans be like
Are video games going to get any better?
When is an appropriate age for a well-adjusted adult to drop vidya? I'm thinking 24 is the cut-off point...
Your best girl should be Annette. No argument
Secret of Mana
Game equivalent?
No game about Tsingish Khan's conquest of the world
It's going to break records
It seems that Final Fantasy VII Remake is not performing so well
Is it worth it? Doing all the chapter one stories is such a slog...
Server admin bans you for having the username "Niggerman"
What was the point of this character...
Why hasn't there been any good anime games lately?
It's garbage
Discounting superpowers, who's the most skilled?
Mario if he real thread
Anyone else here still play Microsoft Excel: The Sci-Fi MMO?
Why does Blanka have electric powers?
4 more days
3 days left
Game forces you to play in the most boring way possible
Japanese humor
Tfw got the 9700k in the start of 2019
Just started marathoning DBZ Kakarot on ps4 pro
How did they manage to so thoroughly fuck up?
America is diseased. Rotten to the core
Juri Han
This plague, the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
Making fallout 4 character
Hey bro how much for this item?
Replay favorite childhood videogame
If you could choose a vidya character to mating press, who would it be?
Is pic related the only good madoka game ever?
It's going to be aimless and mediocre, isn't it?
Sonic Thread
Real life video game characterd
Is this TORtanic 2077?
Classic is hard
This game tries so hard to be cool it's just cringe
"Why do you think it's a good game?"
You hooked me to this game Zig Forums, can you recommend me something similar?
My cute bird wife Melia!
Enemy team trying as hard as possible to win
Why was it abandoned?
This will never be canon
Anyone here suffer from carpel tunnel...
What the fuck his is problem?
Why aren't there any horror games with aliens?
I am a soon to be official indie game dev
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Beenox is working on the next new Crash game, most work is being done in-house, with assistance from Toys for Bob...
UE5 done in Dreams in TWO HOURS
The Mother series SUCKS
47 days until Paper Mario finally has a great game since 2007
Smash Bros
What games did you play today?
When will Rouge get her own game?
Who it's the best gym leader?
What does Zig Forums think of Prince Lothric?
What are you expecting?
Playing this for the first time
It's really nice to just get lost in a game...
How have your tastes evolved?
How good is eternal compared to the 2016 reboot? I found that game fun, but felt a little repetitive at times
Does Zig Forums like Turok?
Name a better trilogy
It’s a reskin of assassin’s creed odyssey, you’ll still play with both genders...
About to play Dark Souls 3. Looking to make vers build. Any tips?
White to move and draw
He listens to game music outside the game
Have any gamers in their late 20's or early 30's started to feel the corrosion of time start to decrease your ability...
Are you going to play Fubuki's game?
It's a stressfag's whole team falls apart when you delete their healer episode
What are some hidden gems for this thing
So my card finally arrived, best gba games to play on real hardware?
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Why haven't you played his game, Zig Forums? Don't you want to get over the barrier?
Fans are upscaling Diablo 2 using AI
Yukiko Appreciation Station
Literally and unironically THE perfect game, not even being a fameboy desu
Will they ever top hotline miami
Are you ready for an all digital future?
Which vidya games had the most intelligent concepts, writing, and story?
How did you guys make it through your post Witcher 3 depression...
Which one , Zig Forums?
Why are half the characters in the entire game immortal
Literally and unironically THE perfect game, not even being a fameboy desu
Screenshot Thread?
Vidya reviewer starts fighting the poorly edited video game character who jumped out of the game
How's that video game you're developing going?
TIE Defender, Standing By
So why exactly was he the bad guy again?
Why haven't there been a AAA adventure rpg like dragon age or mass effect. I want a good western rpg bros
Rider thread
What are some of your purchase regrets?
You must be registered to see the links
Shit games that keep dragging on
Do you think this will ever come back?
What's their best soundtrack?
Is Central Fiction the peak of the BlazBlue franchise?
Buff female is the ideal vidya girl bodytype
Did you no-kill just like he had taught?
Xbox so shit even looters dont want there games
What are some Chad devs?
Games for this feel?
Pascal the dog is here
Darkstalkers 2021 Leak
Yes, piracy is stealing and immoral. However, I don't care
How do we make The Elder Scrolls great again?
How do you think he's doing?
Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words
Not your too POE
This is it Zig Forums
Miiverse thread
Animal Crossing
How the FUCK are you supposed to play vidya and stay fit at the same time???
Why does botw get all the praise when rdr2 does everything it set out to do ten times better?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine