I need to complain about this shit game
Lobotomy/Ruina Thread
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what filtered you user
am I the only one that thinks terraria would have been better as a turn-based game?
I've just reached day 46 and I haven't done any core suppression.
I'm guessing they come once you get the malkuth's mission "clear a dusk ordeal" but these shit literally never happen.
I started getting noon ordeal consistently on day 40 how the fuck do you want me to get a dusk when they're two qliphoths meltdown level later.
Since all the mission have disappeared now aside of that white ordeal things, do I need to restart or do they validate even when not shown?
Also I hate the tree, the train, the jello, the purple 6-legged poney,the apple and some more.
Wrong thread user.
You have to restart I did the exact same thing last week when I started. You basically have to purposefully trigger just spam the quickest safest abnos. It takes way quicket to pass days now that you know what to do and you can skip on painful abnos, just make sure to take ones you don't have full observation level on for the 100% codex. Before you restart get as much aleph and waw gear as you can you going to need it. Don't forget about rewinds they can save you a lot of time, you get a shit abno, get it's research and gear and rewind on that same day and just pick easier abnos to progress story
There's a set amount of days you have to do the missions user. Once you hit day 45+ you have to restart from day 1 and do them once they unlock again. If you haven't done any suppressions yet, you'll be forced back regardless even if you push forward.
Yes. Dragons Dogma is fine enough as it is. It just needs polishing.
I’d frick Hod not gonna lie to you guys
My bullets are too strong for you cl*rk. You'd better ask a manager who uses weaker bullets.
for me, it is long haired malkuth
>"clear a dusk ordeal" but these shit literally never happen.
how the fuck do you want me to get a dusk when they're two qliphoths meltdown level later.
Just keep playing. You don't have to end the day, just because you can.
I want Gebura to crush my head with her thighs while Angela is forced to watch.
Well shit.
At least I have all the research done except for gebura midnight ordeal
The only E.G.O. I'm missing in my current roster is mountain's weapon
My abno completion is somewhere around 90% because of a previous attempt made about a year ago which I ragequited because of THE FUCKING TREE.
Which one? There are two.
The longer the day goes on , the higher the chance something wrong will happen
He is obviously not talking about the cherry blossoms
Thats why its a mission cl*rk. Its not supposed to be free
I had this little fellow during my day 49.
He was annyoing till last few seconds the end.
The fetish tree
Yesod need a rework hos abnormalities are so fucking shit compare to others
Amount of new in this manager is terrifying
Why you didn't speak sooner.
You practically wasted run with never learning to not do one of biggest noob mistake - ending day when energy quota is reached
>The longer the day goes on , the higher the chance something wrong will happen
Game motto is "Face the Fear" and you doing opposite, running away from potential problems.
If you played it in right way you would complain that day is boring and not that it could go wrong
Because you aren't supposed to like Yesod.
People here always talk about how they day 49 goes
That would be about the time you finish expanding the architecture team, didn't know the game soft-lock you 3 days earlier.
>biggest noob mistake - ending day when energy quota is reached
2/3 of my agents have max stats even when doing this, I didn't see the point of going longer
>how they day 49 goes
How their day 49 goes*
>beat those masked freaks
>end of content
I guess I grind now for good decks. The hard part is trying to figure out what counts as "good"
Fragment of the Universe wasn't bad.
Child of the Galaxy was a pain to deal with
>Look up porn and fanart
>99% is Deviantarts tier autist drawing
What's with this game and autists?
>1 update a week
>things are just getting better and better
Almost at the end after 4 years, one idiotic reset and about 15 day 1 restarts. Just about to do hokma at day 45 and reaching day 50 left
Majority of all fanart outside of the threads and Pixiv is pure autism, you won't find anything except for white damage.
That's the thing though. I AM looking at Pixiv seeing these things.
They have an ugly/poor-cute charm, but it's very clearly autistic hands behind them
Post your facility
>2/3 of my agents have max stats even when doing this, I didn't see the point of going longer
Yes, sound like problem - only 2/3. You still say that you are afraid to go beyond Noon or that something could go wrong
Schizo faggot, how many times will you post this
Go fuck yourself
Well you’ll never make it to day 49 if you refuse to play the game