I'm depressed Zig Forums
Video games
Feed Sneed and fuck Chuck
>woke up at 1 am covered in sweat again
>figure I'd reinstall Bloodborne (which I 100%)
>Father G literally has zero openings whatsoever- just can't get past him
>shut off Playstation
I guess it's back to staring at Zig Forums for the next 16 hours, as usual.
Literally just shoot him and then oil+molotov him as soon as he gets in the second phase and you win.
I know HOW to kill him, dude. The problem is once he extended his axe, he never fucking stopped moving and shooting. I got him to his beast form once, but he wombo'd me when he had chip hp left. I used the oil+molotov but it did no fucking damage. The game's already closed and off the hard drive again.
Well why don't you talk to someone
There is no one.
Feels good to be alone, if you don’t have any problems. I would turn on parasite eve late at night, just going up and up in the Chrysler building alone, cozy times, I loved jumping on ff9 just to sit at esto gaza.
Bloodbourne is hard
Theres professionals who are paid to listen and they can and will help. Find a therapist you probably wont even need medication. Start running regularly in the mean time and try incorporating mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. Video games wont make you feel better unless you're doing other stuff too
>Theres professionals who are paid to listen and they can and will help. Find a therapist
I have gone to therapy at least three times. Nothing helps.
I also do workout every day after breakfast.
>paid to listen
I'm sorry man.
I am also depressed but at least treatment with happy pills worked for me once in the past and probably will work again. If I make myself go get checked. Somehow.
>I used the oil+molotov but it did no fucking damage
u wat. I beat him the other day with the lowest arcane stat possible and one oil+molotov during beast form absolutely deletes his health bar.
It did no such thing for me, sorry. I hit him head on with the oil, and then a molotov from medium range. Only did 13 damage. Shit's fucked.
That's... literally not possible. You sure you didn't throw a pebble and thought it was a molotov?
Depression doesn't exist. Who cares. Pick up a football
>using Pebbles
literally who does this
Yes it was oil.
>stop drinking
>lose 8lbs
>but that was 4 weeks ago
>put on a few more lbs somehow even though i still don't drink
i'm always going to be a fat boy
>playing p5r
>finish futaba's palace and watch her reject death and start to live again
>tfw in the three years since p5's release you've burned out of school and basically become a shut in yourself and cut yourself off from all your friends
>realize that will never happen for you
I think you're in the wrong thread but I'll respond since that particular thread is gone now.
>workout every morning
>chug bottle of water every hour or so
>eat one decent meal a day; dinner
>don't smoke
>constantly feel like shit regardless, can never sleep for more than a few hours
I think I'm gonna make some homemade girl scout cookies just for the fuck of it. I'll never be happy anyway.
m-maybe try to feel not shit instead of happy? I think my baseline is slightly bored and lazy, which is better than being hopelessly depressed and thinking about suicide too much so I'm happy to go with it
>try to feel not shit
how ya feelin OP
let's talk
look for some nice therapyst user, it may help a lot
I had something "similar" happen to me, I felt like shit for years, tired and with 0 energy
turns out I have partial epilepsy from when I cracked my skull 7 years ago
I don't have any kind of crisis, I just can't rest properly while sleeping
so it may be something related to that, who knows
keep going to the doctor
>keep going to the doctor
I'm American.
holy fuck user I'm sorry
hope you start feeling better soon
You can get him stuck on the grave stones, not even the stairs, and do hella R2 with hunters axe in the long form.
Fuck gascoigne dont let him take away a good game from you.
Eating once a day isn't healthy you retard. You're probably not getting enough calories.
I'd got him locked behind gravestones a couple times, but this time it's like he knew and just kept shooting anytime I got close. Being a Miyazaki game his axe would go through the tombstones / trees as well of course.
>You're probably not getting enough calories.
I had two melts with tomato soup to dip in. How is that not enough for the day?