
Touhou noobs trying to beat all the Touhou games, do you start on normal or hard? I was playing on Normal, but the game recommended hard at the end anyways. So I've been playing them in hard mode when playing a new Touhou entry. Do you do this?

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You can do it that way, but most people start with normal.
I'd suggest starting with normal, unless you got more patience than me: when I started out, I took me a long time to just get a normal 1CC in a game.

The human village was destroyed and so Yukari had to go get new humans but they're all millennials!
The new humans of Gensokyo were upset there was no signal and wished REALLY hard for Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi youkai was born! She dispenses Wi-Fi.

This is unacceptable.

Attached: WiFi.png (1314x954, 207.2K)

>Wi-Fi Youkai
More like a Wi-Fi god, based on your story?

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Eh maybe. Doesn't matter now it's nothing but a Wi-Fi corpse

>Doesn't matter now it's nothing but a Wi-Fi corpse

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In terms of completion, most of the games assume you to just 1CC them on Normal, as that's usually the requirement for the good ending and unlocking the Extra stage. Extra stages also don't have a separate difficulty selection and at least to me it feels 1CC'ing Extra is easier than 1CC'ing Hard. So I wager most people starting out just play on Normal.

did anyone here actually played any of touhou games or do you just larp?

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I played the moderns
I played the PC-98s
I played the spinoffs
I read the manga
I listened to the CDs
I played the goddamn Seihous

Yes I've done everything
Except manage to consistently beat any game on Normal with a 4CC

>Touhou noobs trying to beat all the Touhou games
Have fun with that. What the fuck?
and play on Normal.

i 1cc'ed from 6 to 10 and currently working on 11 all normal

i though no one dies in touhou since they reappear later in the same game or in other games

Ah damn you bring up a good point.
I should've made the Wi-Fi youkai a male since only males get killed.

Almost everyone on Zig Forums has played these games to some extent.
How are you liking SA so far? It's the one that took me the longest to 1CC during my playthrough of all the games, but I also ended up getting Stockholm syndromed and now it is my favorite Touhou game.

I started playing the games back in March and decided to 1cc all the Windows games in order, finished it last month. Had a lot more fun than I thought I would, currently working on my first hard 1cc.

i find playing the practice is fun but going for a run is not

anybody here watched ducktales?

Of course not I just fapped to the porn xDD
Just replay MS after like months and it was easier than I thought

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>le 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the fanbase plays the games
woah, epic and based and upvoted you're so based

my left shift's fucked so i cant play much, last run i did was ms extra
the ending is absolute perfection and i recommend everyone to play it

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That's weird. May I ask why?


>Finishing the Windows games in 2 months
It took me close to one year to do it myself. You're pretty good.

1'cced every single main game on Normal and Extra
Slowly doing Lunatics now
Start with Normal, once you 1'cced every game (LotLK is way harder so you can Pointdevice for that and return later) do Extras
Once you've done Extras clear LotLK if you didn't and then start doing Lunatics with the easier games
Hard is redundant but if you want you can do it

Shooting games never die

I play on normal and extra, I couldn't give a shit about higher difficulties since they don't matter and they don't make you more a fan anyway. I will try hard mode once I've 1cc'd every game tho.

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I only play on higher difficulties 'cause I'm autistic and want to prove to myself I can beat a children shooting game

Several years later
>I play Lunatic mode, as among fans of PLAYING (not fapping to or 'lore') Touhou it is the standard mode
tags: corruption


>healing spells in a storymode deck
never gonna make it
fill that shit with ibuki gourds and control rods then enjoy wrecking most spells before they properly start

Nothing wrong with it except the dumb fics

I'd rather take someone who doesn't play the games but respects and knows the lore of the series over someone who only plays the games without knowing or caring about everything else desu

W-what do you mean 'take'?
Are you going to do lewd things to the poor lorefags?

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Take them to hell with you, faggot.

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