Your opinion about this game?
Perfect Dark N64
I FUCKING HATED the dizzy effects. And yet punching only multiplayer is fun.
Masterpiece. Incredible gameplay, incredible music, incredible missions, incredible aesthetic, memorable characters. Remaster is good, and runs at 60fps, but I dislike the art style changes. Looking forward to the new Perfect Dark MS is going to reveal this year.
pretty great
a key stepping stone in the evolution of the first person shooter, with timesplitters being the final form
one of my top 5 favorite games of all time
worth emulating?
TimeSplitters is way too shooting focused. Perfect Dark leans into the espionage aspect far more. TimeSplitters feels like a step backwards and sideways, towards GoldenEye's more simplistic, bang, bang, bang style of design.
Perfect Dark strongly humanizes its NPCs in a way TS doesn't, and offers non-lethal options, and NPC surrendering is a fairly complex core mechanic. NPCs surrender based on certain contexts that aren't fully documented, and will sometimes just throw their guns away in fear and say stuff like, "I DON'T LIKE THIS ANYMORE!"
It's really weird how many modern gamers question what PD brings to the modern scene when studios like Naughty Dog get their dicks sucked for doing a pale imitation of what PD did 20 years ago.
Good game, a fucking nightmare to romhack.
The decompilation project will eventually solve that.
she's a slut in the prequel
NPCs dont surrender in PD, all disarm does is make them play a disarm animation then run towards the nearest weapon.
It looks cool but thats about it. The animation variety is outstanding, lots of location based flinching.
Stun weapons kill them, it just takes twice as long as using the kill setting.
Zero is shit. Hollis disliked what they did to Joanna. Pretty much everyone involved in that game is unhappy with how it turned out.
Then Rare/MS killed PD: Core and used its tech for Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
>NPCs dont surrender in PD
Yes they do. They have complex surrendering mechanics related to squad status, whether they have a weapon available, and more. It'll likely become clear once the AI code is decompiled.
>towards GoldenEye's more simplistic, bang, bang, bang style of design.
You need to do stealth in Goldeneye to survive on 00 Agent, no less than in Perfect Dark
10/10 music. Post music.
this track always hits me in the feels
GoldenEye has mechanics like infinitely respawning enemies which PD ditches. In GE, if the AI hears you, it sends a clone to investigate. It will keep doing this until you kill the original. PD spawns some NPCs and hides them. This is why using explosives in PD will sometimes make NPCs suddenly appear from thin air and die.
I wouldn't be surprised if Perfect Dark's AI surrendering mechanics were an influence on Metro: Exodus.
i still love her bimbo proportions in that though it makes me rock hard. i miss vidya bimbos
It's my favorite FPS game. I still go back and play the Xbox live arcade version of it. I love fucking around in the combat simulator.
1st fps I played, 1 of the best games ever made.
Literally the best fps in the last 20 years
How did I play this game so much as a kid yet don't really remember that much about the plot or story? All I remember were aliens which looked like ayy lmaos and Skedar which looked like zerg and the last mission being in some alien ruins and maybe a skedar spaceship before that.
oh and that blonde guy from the first mission being a Skedar. What the fuck was Datadyne? What the hell was Carrington Institute?
dataDyne is a weapons/tech company that was fed tech by the Skedar in exchange for their help with AI research, which the Skedar suck at for some reason.
The Carrington Institute is an organization designed to foster human/alien relations. They are fed tech by the Maians, another alien faction. CI also develops technology and weapons, but they aren't assholes like dataDyne are. At least, they weren't in the original PD. In PD: Core, Chris Seavor was planning on Bad Fur Day-ing the entire cast of Perfect Dark. Elvis would betray Jo, one of her closest friends on the team was actually Mr Blonde the entire time, and the villain was Joanna from the future.
Mouse-keyboard controls for Goldeneye and perfect Dark. Nice way to play it. The AI bots and challenges are still kicking my ass and I'm stuck at 16.
>decompilation project
That'll take 5 years.
Carrington Institute is like a tech R&D corporation but with an added CIA like espionage wing, the Skedar are basically the reptilian illuminati.
So fucking sad what happened to Rare properties. Imagine if Nintendo wasn't stupid and had kept them? Rare were some of the biggest Super Fami and N64 games so it seems so stupid to just let them go like that. Nintendo could have had it's own Halo series.
A solid 6/10 that gets elevated much higher due to the lack of games on the Nintendo 64, same as the rest of its "library".
You do realise the N64 was flush with highly regarded FPS games that sold millions each, right? Perfect Dark was elevated highly because it did such incredible things that modern games are struggling to come close to matching.
An improved version of Goldeneye, but it did not get the same recognition.
Atrocious FPS makes the original N64 version unplayable for anyone used to modern standards. No one else needs to submit to 19fps to play a 3D game.
I remember playing ot since I was 10 or so. Very good game though I need to grow some balls and play it on Perfect Agent.
Also what is this thing about decompilating?
It was rated highly because the console had so few games, so everyone needed to pretend the few games they had were flawless masterpieces, like what you're doing right now. Goldeneye was another 6/10, solid, sure, but a 6/10 nonetheless. Same goes for other N64 "classics" like OoT and Mario 64.
>Also what is this thing about decompilating?
Turning the raw code into human-readable C.
It'll take a while. But even unfinished you can learn interesting things about how the game works.
so what do you consider a 10/10 then?
Great game, should have been a Goldeneye sequel, but great. Got it for my ninth birthday in fact.
What exactly happened for RARE and NINTENDO so MICROSOFT would buy them off that easly. Did nintendo didnt care for RARE? Was RARE too greedy to drop nintnedo for some sheckels?
Don't be a retard, user. GoldenEye was so good that Valve panicked and scrapped Half-Life, starting over from scratch.
Overated just like Goldeneye
Why would you want the game to be saddled with the Bond IP? The good thing about Perfect Dark is that it allowed Rare to do their own thing in terms of characterization, world building, etc.
It's perfect
Damn, it'll take a while I presume.
Thanks user
>Implying anything would be different
Nintendo can't be assed to make a new F-zero or a good starfox, what's make you think they would have made games under nintendo?
>level design seems a step down from GE
>seems easier than GE
>story starts cool but gets stupid really fast
>missions don't seem as memorable
>bonus missions are lame and not as iconic as Egypt/Aztec in GE
>Stupid grey aliens should have no place in a cyberpunk game
>Story should have all been about fighting Datadyne
But there's a lot of plusses:
>voice acting and cutscenes on the N64
>Joanna herself is pretty cool
>the weapons are amazing and feel great and might be some of the best weapons in FPS
>Challenge mode
>AI bots
>good graphics
>weapon secondary modes
And Forever.
I know that a lot of key Rare employees had left sadly, so Rare wasn't as important as it seemed. So ultimately it would have been about preserving Banjo and Perfect Dark, the two key properties. Both games had sold millions. I guess Nintendo had decided they weren't worth keeping and MS paid more for them.
With a focus on online multiplayer, the series should have done better for the Xbox.
>>level design seems a step down from GE
On the contrary, PD has way, way better visual signposting and use of colour and door designs to help you navigate. Even something like Pelagic II colour codes the floors of the ship.
>story starts cool but gets stupid really fast
It's a very Rareware story, which is fun.
>Stupid grey aliens should have no place in a cyberpunk game
Bullshit. Cyberpunk needs more aliens. Dunno why so many genre fans get pissy about them.
Perfect Dark's development team completely fell apart half-way through development, and the game turned out more than fine.
The issues with Rare and Nintendo were multifaceted. One factor was Nintendo being all insular and Japanese. The Gamecube was way more Japan-oriented than the N64 was, and that fucked them in the shitter. The N64 was defined by its mature British and American titles. The Turoks, the Body Harvests, the GoldenEyes. The Gamecube was full of bright and colourful Japanese stuff. The N64 was THE FPS console. The Xbox snatched that title.