You have 15 seconds to explain to Young Link why you didn't play his 2nd game

You have 15 seconds to explain to Young Link why you didn't play his 2nd game.

Attached: 624-6243256_legend-of-zelda-majoras-mask-link-hd-png.png (860x1123, 890.81K)

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I did.
Shame the razor sword was just an unusable intermediary weapon to the tempered sword.

Link's design looks, and had always looked, like ass. There has never been a good TLoZ game.

>this post is extremely low quality

Is still there someone here who played OOT and not MM? It has been 20 years.

I love Majora's Mask though

But I did

because ive only played botw

I didn't play it at the time because I was still just a casual Zelda fan. I had to wait until the collectors disc came out.

>announcing a report or "SAHGAY"