You have 15 seconds to explain to Young Link why you didn't play his 2nd game

You have 15 seconds to explain to Young Link why you didn't play his 2nd game.

Attached: 624-6243256_legend-of-zelda-majoras-mask-link-hd-png.png (860x1123, 890.81K)

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I did.
Shame the razor sword was just an unusable intermediary weapon to the tempered sword.

Link's design looks, and had always looked, like ass. There has never been a good TLoZ game.

>this post is extremely low quality

Is still there someone here who played OOT and not MM? It has been 20 years.

I love Majora's Mask though

But I did

because ive only played botw

I didn't play it at the time because I was still just a casual Zelda fan. I had to wait until the collectors disc came out.

>announcing a report or "SAHGAY"


Attached: oracle games.jpg (1600x800, 407.52K)

i just never got around to playing it
maybe i will one day

Haven't had the chance to sit down with it in years n years

It's massively overrated. Still good, but not even top five in the series.

completed it three times, fuck off

Ocarina of Time is my 3rd favorite game of all time, Majora's Mask is 4th. I've beaten both to 100% several times, although I've abused the shit out of quick save and load each time. I'm hesitant to play the 3DS versions because I won't be able to abuse QS/QL

Eat shit Call of Duty faggot

yeah a damn shame. I still think its the coolest zelda sword design

majoras mask is overrated by pseud contrarian losers on the internet. easily the worst 3d zelda game.

That would be breath of the wild or skyward sword

The game is not fun

except those are just overrated by normies and the average gamer. majoras mask is a special type of overrated by the most pretentious basement dwellers on the internet.
why is this theme so fucking good
>that fucking bass

>Eat shit Call of Duty faggot
It's not 2009 any more dumb dumb.
why is this theme so fucking good
>that fucking bass

subtlety is not your forte

I did, tho. Was a fine game considering how quickly it was put together. Still the best swimming in vidya.

mm had a lot of great music


I know it is cool to hate this game because its average fan's an insufferable "muh dark tone" faggot but the gameplay is still excellent and not responsible for the acts of its autistic fanbase

>three transformations
>replayable, action-oriented bosses you can beat several ways
>Termina field and the sub-areas make a content-packed overworld with lots of stuff in it
>one of the widest non-linearity maps in the franchise after Breath and Link Between Worlds
>easy sidequests give really fucking useful masks: Bomb, Rabbit Hood, Stone
>arguably best 3D Zelda dungeons
>shorter playthrough than Ocarina and not
>dungeons more non-linear than people gave them credit for, can kill bosses in any order unlike Ocarina, can do Stone Tower without setting foot in Great Bay

And the time loops don't even set you back that much. Acquiring items opens up shortcuts in dungeons, and even let you advance to the next area before getting the boss's remains. Game's a direct sequel to the also great Ocarina, and still a fucking joy to play after all these years. It's the retarded fans and their faggy slap fights that ruin everything as usual.

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But I did, faggot. And I mained the shit out of him in Melee.