What games do you faggots actually like?
What games do you faggots actually like?
flatout 2
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
I like a lot of video games. I'm just tired honestly. I have a hard time getting into things now a days because I just sit down and get tired and go back to reading or watching documentaries instead.
Apex Legends and GSGs. Haven't felt the urge to play a single player game in years. I just hop on Apex or the last age of wonders with friends a couple times a week.
Dark Souls
Majora's Mask
SMT Nocturne
Killer 7
New Vegas
Deus Ex
I've already tried every single game, nowadays new games are awful 99% & aren't good enough to keep you invested once you've gotten to the point where you've already seen everything. There's nothing that can impress you. And since i'm only 20 & i'm done with anime too i've basically moved on at this point, and focus on other things.
>I've already tried every single game
I doubt it, there is literally not enough time to do so. If you're only 20 you haven't even had time for part of the overall library.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing to move to different mediums, but your reason makes you sound like a dumb dumb.
I’m playing through SMT Nocturne and it made me realize that I’m not burnt out on JRPGs, just lazily designed ones where buffs are nonexistent and grinding is mandatory. Kind of like how F.E.A.R made me realize that I’m not burnt out on FPS, just corridors where health is a cover prompt and weapon choice has a blatant dominant strategy.
Played /=/ finish you idiot, i've played a little bit of every single game. I grew up with the N64, Gamecube & Gameboy. So i already played everything on those platforms, as a teenager i had the 360, PS3, DS & Wii. So i already rented every acclaimed game from Blockbuster at some point. Now i have a PS4 & Switch, and have bought every acclaimed single player game or pirated it on my computer. Most of the time i get bored with them after a couple of hours and trade them in. The last one i remember finishing was Nier: Automata, i had to force myself through BOTW & even then i skipped the divine beats because of awful they were.