What games do you faggots actually like?

I like Silent Hill 2

not gonna lie, I liked skyward sword.
Borderlands 2 was great.
GTA V was fucking kino.

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>I'm done with vidya
>i'm done with anime
>I'm 20
Ok faggot

I am saying that literally if you only played an hour, which is less than what's needed to get a real feel for most games, you still wouldn't have enough time. I'm still saying you're acting like a big dumb dumb.

Even if you only count the current generation and exclude all games that are on mobile platforms you have 39537 games you need to play. If you played each for one hour and played ten hours a day that's 11 years worth of gaming just about, or longer than most of the game have been released.

I'm just saying that it's literally not possible.

Some more math, looking through other libraries I'm getting ~76k games total. So at 10 hours a day and 1 hour per game that's 19.5 years, so if you started at 6 months old you'd just barely manage it if you made it more than a full time job every day of every year since.

Still have this from the other thread. Games of the year from 1991 upward (US release date).

1991 - Super Mario World
1992 - Streets of Rage 2
1993 - Daytona USA
1994 - Rayforce
1995 - Donkey Kong Country 2
1996 - Super Mario 64
1997 - Star Fox 64
1998 - Resident Evil 2
1999 - Silent Hill
2000 - Diablo II
2001 - Silent Hill 2
2002 - Resident Evil (2002)
2003 - Soul Calibur 2
2004 - Katamari Damacy
2005 - Resident Evil 4
2006 - Time Crisis 4
2007 - Super Mario Galaxy
2008 - Gears of War 2
2009 - Silent Hill Shattered Memories
2010 - Vanquish
2011 - Resistance 3
2012 - Asura's Wrath
2013 - The Last of Us
2014 - Bayonetta 2
2015 - Until Dawn
2016 - Titanfall 2
2017 - Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 Global
2018 - Dragon Quest XI

Filtering things a bit more because I realized I wasn't eliminating multiplatforms and certain other games. We're looking at 49.8k games, this is not including flash games because hard to count those.

This would be a much more manageable 13.6 years of your life at 10 hours a day, meaning you actually have time to take weekend off and start playing at age 1. No idea how you found time to watch anime though.

these bitch

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I'm not sure if I'd be able to make a 3x3 but some of my favorites are: Underrail, God Hand, Enter the Gungeon, Legend of Grimrock, RE2Make, probably either Nocturne or more likely Strange Journey, Fallout 1 and 2 and Alpha Protocol

Splinter Cell
Tekken 7
Dark Souls 1 & 3
Skate 3
CoD Warzone
Road Trip Adventure
Can't really think of any more