Why nobody on Zig Forums plays sports games?

Sports games are one of the most popular genre's.
I play anything from RPGs to sports.
Are you really that much of a nerd? Is this board just full of neckbeards that hate sport?

>Mention a car racing sim game
I get laughed at

>Mention FIFA soundtrack
You tell me to go to reddit

You guys are a bunch of losers, stick to your world of Warcraft then.

Attached: 1590074404596.jpg (768x1024, 138.11K)

Does Gran Turismo and Forza count?

What a grotesque being

I'm playing MLB the show as we speak though

What's worse than pretending to be some super powerful guy who saves the world?

Pretending you are athletic, now FUCK OFF.

This has to be the most German-looking woman I've ever seen.


Looks like a photoshopped black man

theyre just boring to me
i can watch an actual sports game and appreciate the skill and athleticism involved in the people performing
pixels doing the same thing isnt as interesting unless you really care about sports, which i dont

who is her?