Why nobody on Zig Forums plays sports games?

Sports games are one of the most popular genre's.
I play anything from RPGs to sports.
Are you really that much of a nerd? Is this board just full of neckbeards that hate sport?

>Mention a car racing sim game
I get laughed at

>Mention FIFA soundtrack
You tell me to go to reddit

You guys are a bunch of losers, stick to your world of Warcraft then.

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Does Gran Turismo and Forza count?

What a grotesque being

I'm playing MLB the show as we speak though

What's worse than pretending to be some super powerful guy who saves the world?

Pretending you are athletic, now FUCK OFF.

This has to be the most German-looking woman I've ever seen.


Looks like a photoshopped black man

theyre just boring to me
i can watch an actual sports game and appreciate the skill and athleticism involved in the people performing
pixels doing the same thing isnt as interesting unless you really care about sports, which i dont

who is her?

madden is for fags, nhl is for leafs, fifa is for hues and mlb is for retards. the only acceptable racing game is need for speed underground.

All sports games are shovelware

Great fun, especially locally with a bunch of people.

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>Playing FIFA
I never claimed to be athletic whatsoever, it's a fucking video game afterall

Some German super model, forget her name

I never appreciated how tough racing, especially NASCAR, was until i tried it myself in Gran Turismo

Because sport games are generally shit.
And i say generally since only Japan made great sport games.

Wish it wasn't a PS4 exclusive desu

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Femke Lakenman

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Because most of us arent 3rd world eslfags like you.

Played the shit out of Madden 97 and NHL 2K7 and had my fun with each. Sports games don't fundamentally change over time, so I never bothered buying each annual iteration. Even if I wanted to they've gone to shit recently with their heavy-handed microtransaction models.
I tried getting into Forza, but simulation racing doesn't do it for me. If that's your bag, all the power to you. Soccer is total ass though, both IRL and vidya.

>used to hate sports games
>only play nintendo shit
>laugh at fifa saying it's for idiots
>watch world cup 2018 because everyone is doing it
>watch Lukaku raping both japan and brazil, england going to penalties, croatia being good, mbappe being crazy
>incredibly exciting, have never felt like this before, wonder why I never liked football to begin with
>start talking with my dad more, we go to the stadium together and I start supporting his club
>get unbelievably invested into this club, and it becomes a great way of bonding with my dad
>make friends at the stadium, have travelled to other cities with these dudes just to watch our team
>buy fifa 19 for switch
>recently clocked 2.000 hours on it

I love football Zig Forums I can't help it



>that face
i'm getting mixed messages

what I enjoyed most about sport games was making new teams, adding old players and updating the advert logos
I did that a lot with the pes back when they had no rights

There's trannies who look more feminine than her, jesus.

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implying you would anyway

Looks Slavic

it's time to admit northern european women are all ugly
southern european / latin women are the best

Well, >she is russian.

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Looks like Putin using a Snapchat filter

I live in spain and I'm fucking tired of them
I crave a northern girl so much

Spaniard here, no idea what the fuck is this guy smoking, they are all fucking insufferable, specially latinas, they are all fat and scream like screeching crows.
I'd take some blonde slav over any of these gossiping bots every day of the week.

Forza is fun but I find sportgames boring, even when drunk

you are all faggots, spanish women are beautiful

then come and get them all retard
where are you from? bring some female friends

valencia reporting in
it's fucking hot here