Are there any games where I can actually get Zig Forums and change my life around?

Are there any games where I can actually get Zig Forums and change my life around?

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wii fit



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Ring fit and GED test.
Go get it, fat retard.

shouldnt you be rioting because of the dead monkey?

Emi's route on katawa shoujo

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There are some very cardio active VR games, Wii fit won't help shit, you won't be moving nearly enough with the exception of the jog on the spot game.

you do realize that the moment these people stop staying active because of a little depression or life changing event their trained hearts won't be able to handle sedentary lifestyle and die before you and me hit the bucket.

this'd probably help you lose weight real fast

Dance Dance Revolution NIGGA

Yes, real life

That's some intense cope.

not sure if you're being sarcastic but it does actually help me stay active

But real life doesn't release feel good chemicals like playing video games does.

I went from 190 pounds to 175 pounds in about 3 weeks and i'm trying to get some defined abs does anyone know any good routines?

Superhot VR will get you sweaty

lift heavy things

This, but unironically

Keep coping, landwhale

Calorie deficit diet and cardio. thats literally it for weight loss, been losing over a kilo a week, dropped from 87 to 82 in the last 3 and half weeks.

Imagine just humping one of them

Play crypt of the necrodancer with a ddr pad

Hiking while high, but be careful to not get lost

>You will never get paid to film extremely fit young females doing exercise
Feels bad man.

Are you retarded? Thats not how the body works at all why would you even spout such retardation?

Cardio, and putting the fork down. Also, planks can help.

Sports are just games where you use your body and getting Zig Forums won't turn your life around, you'll just be Zig Forums. Which is still a nice thing.

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I thought these were little girls from the thumbnail. Fuck off.

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This only teach you how to bend over and ride cocks without sitting down

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I set up a little gym for around $60 Aus, buying on facebook market, everything I need to work the whole body for $20 less than a new videogame.

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You still saw it and blame OP for your retardation.
KYS closet pedo

You can be so fit you could die. Google pro cyclists who died in their sleep.

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