>Mr Hercule comes out as DLC
>He's a shitty fucking character however
>He has that one tech or broken move that makes everyone put him on their team
What is it?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
An assist that gives you a full super meter if he doesnt get hit out of it.
But Goku (Base) already does that...and charges a spirit bomb and he gives you 1.5meter
>gun that shoots super fast projectile that hits through SD as an assist
>EX grab that can connect out of range for stubby 5Ls
>assist that directly buffs damage, defense, regen or meter gain
>motherfucking tank mode
go back to smash schumyoco or whatever your name is
A meterless counter, that can be used as an assist
>Mr Hercule
>>Mr Hercule
...What? No, seriously...what?
I don't know what happened. My brain went on auto and I initially was going to type Mr.Satan but then Mr. Hercule came out. I'm sorry.
I wish I was good at DBFZ but it's too fast for me
>66S pose that resets combo scaling if used mid combo (accelerates the rate of decay though), cost doubles each time its used starting at 1 bar
He has the same problem Master Roshi has where flying is a core universal component of the game and he can't do it. I suppose there's the jetpack but that would be really pushing it.
You can always call his assist even when he is down
Every time you finish a character of the opponent off you can quickly substitute with Mr Satan so he can claim the win. In this case the classic animation where two characters clash their arms and enter a neutral position on the field doesn't happen but instead Satan remains on the field and celebrates himself and waits for the opponent for a guaranteed 50/50 mix up.
Why are you fags so autistic about this? Does it look like it matters if he doesn't fly? NOOOO NOT MUH GENERIC SUPERDASH ANIMATION
Videl evades attacks because she is too weak, also Roshi is strong enough to jump all he wants at the height he wants
>Just give him a Buu assist like 18 with 17 and Videl with Saiyaman
There isn't a singly non-flight character in the game. Just saying.
well then there would be a singly non flying character soon.
>also Roshi is strong enough to jump all he wants at the height he wants
True. People act like actual flying really exists in the game like in the Budokai games but the actual air time is more akin to jumping than flying.
Videl can fly in the canon, Hercule can't. It's a simple point. Superdash is a core mechanic and having him fly would be stupid. It's not an autistic lore nitpick as the other poster tried to imply, it is a very basic dragonball thing. As basic as him not shooting beams or having a transformation. In Master Roshi's case it's a deliberate thing that comes up in the story and also can't be handwaved away.
get fucked retard-kun
However the movement itself isn't jumping. You curve round and can in some cases do a 360 around an opponent, it couldn't be made to look like a jump.
Why are you so angry about this?
He can just kick the air. Literally no one would complain as long as the animation doesn't suggest actual flying.
I think you're underestimating how difficult it would be to make that look right. As it is it's just simple tracking where the superdashing character moves directly towards the opponent with momentum and has a limit on how sharply they turn (unless it fucks up which it does a lot). Programming a 'kick' would need you to change it from being a curve to sharply changing directions and honestly I doubt the coding for the move would handle that, particular given the target would be moving in the process. It would behave very differently and I suspect they don't want a character to have a universal mechanic behave differently.
I'm leaving the thread now because I'm not going to argue over such a minor thing for ages, so there's no point responding unless it's to the thread in general.
How is a jetpack pushing it when not only is he insanely fucking rich, but its literally what they give him in every single game appearance he has? INCLUDING Dokkan Battle and Legends.
just give him a generic superdash
why the fuck do you need to explain it.
"he's just DASHING" bro.
Supertards a different breed.
>Zamasu, who's already in
>Jiren, who's already in
>Blue Vegeta with pretty sparkles
Does Reddit really?
He doesn't even need to use literally the same arcs as the flying characters, brainlet. At least animation wise he can slightly vary from the usual without even needing to change hit and hurtboxes.
I can already tell you flip burgers or stock up shelves or are in another dead end job where no actual solution finding is required.
>hit grab that give the opponent a present, it pops them up for a combo.
>dynamite punch, it doesn’t do any damage, but stuns them and gives a full bar of meter if it lands (like “yes man kablam” from god hand.
>c assist is just him flipping the fuck out with at jet pack.
Now what’s Master Roshi’s?