Dragon Ball FighterZ

I wish I was good at DBFZ but it's too fast for me

>66S pose that resets combo scaling if used mid combo (accelerates the rate of decay though), cost doubles each time its used starting at 1 bar

He has the same problem Master Roshi has where flying is a core universal component of the game and he can't do it. I suppose there's the jetpack but that would be really pushing it.

You can always call his assist even when he is down

Attached: dcofebu-ec26c98e-b563-425e-b056-3402219c5979.png (426x568, 33.15K)

Every time you finish a character of the opponent off you can quickly substitute with Mr Satan so he can claim the win. In this case the classic animation where two characters clash their arms and enter a neutral position on the field doesn't happen but instead Satan remains on the field and celebrates himself and waits for the opponent for a guaranteed 50/50 mix up.


Why are you fags so autistic about this? Does it look like it matters if he doesn't fly? NOOOO NOT MUH GENERIC SUPERDASH ANIMATION

Videl evades attacks because she is too weak, also Roshi is strong enough to jump all he wants at the height he wants
>Just give him a Buu assist like 18 with 17 and Videl with Saiyaman

There isn't a singly non-flight character in the game. Just saying.

well then there would be a singly non flying character soon.