

Attached: funny.jpg (460x870, 159.31K)

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ha! good post op

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It's actually not great

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Fuck off

This was made to piss of as many autist as possible wasn't it?

>your on

Looks like it worked on you

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lol what if skyrim met digimon

what about it

Any computer games about boiling frogs?

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Shut up


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Today I will remind them.
>video has every single bad trope in a Mario parody

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Fine, I'll be the autist.
>Brendan doesn't have white hair, it's a hat in the games
>Charizard isn't a Dragon-type (Mega Evos weren't a thing when this comic was made)
>'Pokemon' doesn't have an apostrophe
>He says "I choose you" despite Charizard already being out and not appearing to have any Pokeballs on his person in a ready state
>'Fus Ro Dah" is a shout that is basically a force push, not something you yell as you swing a sword
>Shadows are being cast by the characters as if there's a sun in the sky, but it's clearly dusk or very cloudy

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>missing "your on"

You forgot his gloves changing colors and Charizard growing fingers in the second panel

Fuck me.

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Taking some none edgy fun material and making it some hyper edgy self aware shit stain bothers the fuck outta me

So long gay jogger

Don’t forget the Charizard’s wings and claws are the wrong colour

It's the same shit.
Buggy massively overhyped games that have half of it's fun coming out of the exploits, but that removes more and more of the fun every generation.

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if he didn't want to eat bugs then why did he buy bug burgers

Bethesda tries.

Charizard is a wyvern

>dude the punchline is gore and violence!
does anyone miss this aspect of the old days?
>dude kid vidya characters being brutally killed realistically

No they don't


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>does anyone miss this aspect of the old days?
Its still prevalent and I hate it more then anything else in the world.

>does anyone miss this aspect of the old days?
Hell yeah man, remember Electric Retard? What happened? Is there anything that can fill that void nowadays?

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Let me introduce you to your new favourite comic

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>Thought this is good art
>Just copies exactly from the source materials
Why does this video still need over 100 fucking million views

Because soon we're not going to have a choice
>meat prices increasing because of aids
>oooooh no you stupid goyim how will you get your meat?
>oh i know, there are these very convenient and cheap BUGS that you can eat!

He didn't, his guardian-reading wife did

There's more of this shit? post the one with based fat eric or whatever.