Zig Forums
Video Games
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Video Games #5115
Video Games
Why don't you play Valorant?
Touhou Zig Forums legally thread
The Last of Us 2 has revolutionary difficulty settings
WTF how did they get away with this?
Duck in gamestop
Fire Emblem
I'm scared shitless from playing this game
GAS vs Sequels
Its been nice P4 bros, time to brace yourselves for the zoomer hordes. Lets have a P4 thread for the ages
Tfw basically run an onlyfans for my fallout 4 character
1244 games
Xenoblade Chronicles
Three fucking years
Persona 4 and 3 CONFIRMED for PC
Just got this for $86 today, what am I in for? Is gen 4 gts still active?
Nothing wrong with huge asses in games
You have been invaded
What would the ideal Berserk game be like?
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
ITT: Most endearing vidya characters
Any good dance games?
Can somebody post her dancing?
What the fuck was his problem?
What games everyone should play?
You're playing on your Switch in your living room and this weird rat suddenly appears. She asks if she can play too
Valve being sued?
Does Zig Forums wear any gaming clothes?
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Elden Ring is kill
What's the deal with GoldenEye?
Hey Smash Fags
8 days left till DLC
Post your toon
Feels manchild enough yet, Zig Forums?
What went wrong?
Why do you hate her Zig Forums?
One wish no rules. no limits, what do you do?
If PCkeks claim to be so rich, why are they all using nigger tier 24" screens?
Is this worth playing if I enjoyed BD1 and 2?
Animal Crossing
So is 4k just a meme?
Why do you still give them money? I mean we all know the answer (because you're retarded), but what's your reasoning...
Are you playing her game?
Give me literally FOUR reasons why i should play Zeno clash
Think about buying a game on gog
Ys Celceta
Let's play a game Zig Forums
Post your graphics card
2 more days
What game comforts you the most?
So which smt or persona games will be on steam?
Angie, you're beautiful
Gears 5 Ends Racism
Btfos hayter in every way
Playing fallout new vegas for the first time while I battle COVID-19 in my room...
Two characters from one American fighting game are more popular than a thousand weebshit fighters
Assassin's Creed
Be left handed
What rpg has the best story?
1 < 4 <= 2 < 3?
Are female character designs too sexual these days? Webm related is just too ridiculous imo...
Steam User Loses Game Library After Valve Perma-Bans Him For “Extreme Racism”
Clubhouse Games
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Disco Elysium
Postal 2
Post battlestations
Buy $1500 pc
Actions matter more than words lmao
Humble Bundle
I need RPG portraits, wanna help me out?
Mario kart feels like fucking dogshit after playing this
Never played past gen 2 and I'm willing to pay full price for a brand new pokemon game
Are they gonna announce something?
Black Ops Reboot Leak
Zig Forums builds a zoo part 2: electric zoogaloo
Why the fuck hasn't Nintendo tweeted anything in over a week? They usually tweet multiple times a day
Go to friend's house as a kid
Command and conquer
Can we finally admit that turn based combat in games sucks?
Why are RPG Maker games so fun?
What's a game you'd consider to be pretty much flawless...
PC bros
Dialogue option gives you an instant game over
You're in charge of making a KND game. How would you go about it Zig Forums ?
What went wrong?
Can we admit the the Nintendo Switch and New Horizons are suffering from the "Rick and Morty" effect?
Do you like ironically good rips?
ANNOUNCEMENT: Pro Street Fighter players got raped
Helltaker Thread
ITT: real-life speech check bosses
User, what game are you currently playing...
Appears on your desk
Is The Last of Us Factions MP the best multiplayer shooter of all time?
What happened to Mick?
I literally bought PS4pro a week ago to play Bloodborne specifically and you are fucking telling me they are porting it...
Civilization 6 leaders
This is 34 years old
Post em
PC gaming is so pathetic. Imagine spending $1200 to beg for console exclusives, troubleshoot compatibility issues...
Girl that's locked away for 20 years away from human contact gets let out and becomes a bouncy...
Just finished Owl and 2mankey
PC version all but confirmed
No creepy adventure/horror games involving cryptids
Rate rosterfags. Here's mine
Strand genre
Why do open worlds feel so dead and lifeless?
Both of these games came out 15 years ago today
30 FPS
For those of you out of the loop...
Are you ready for the greatest Monkey's Paw of the century? This remaster is going to suck dick
Vidya pals
Chun-Li is Best Li
So is Nemesis compatible with sex mods yet?
What did he mean by this?
Action fags are STILL mad about RE7
Why aren't games properly catering to their (predominantly male) audience? Seems like bad business
Is this game still fun?
How easy is it to play my psp roms on a psp go or psp og? I am seriously considering getting one...
Stop the bullshit, okay?
What are the best Harry Potter games?
Who really was at fault with SEGA's decline in the late 80s and the 90s...
Are you a mooder?
Bloodborne PC
Best video game music of all time
How would you balance this game?
Which videogame character would be improved if they were genderswapped?
Thanks for beta testing snoyfags
Couldn't they at least try?
Shenmue 3
Favourite Assassin's Creed game ?
Post your:
Does Fallout 4 have any redeeming qualities?
How much?
Literally the worst console ever made
Game has a crafting system
What are some underused countries in videogames?
Bamham tier combat
When did you realize that DMC4 was infinitely better than 5?
Make mistake
The most important aspect of videogames is context
The End is Nigh
Smt thread
PlayStation 5 (five) games coming this week
Use to laugh at the idea of 30 yo virgins being wizards
Native resolution is becoming obsolete
The best game ever made
Is this game fun or woke trash? Considernig buying it I like pirates
RIP Game Grumps, they're finally going back and deleting old videos deemed "problematic"...
ITT: Nightmare Fuel Foes
June 11
Beat game
What's wrong with it?
How would Zig Forums make a game about fruit?
Play Shantae's new game!
*triggers smtfags*
Tummy tuesday
2020... i am forgotten
Game dev thread
Rocksteady new game is a Game as a Service
If Zig Forums existed back then...
This controller any good?
Post your reaction pics made from videogames screenshots/art
Why New Vegas fags hate Fallout 3 so much?
Who was in the wrong here?
Final Fantasy XIV
Rumour: Far Cry 6 2021
If 5, Bloodborne comes to PC this summer
This is the single most overrated game in the history of mankind together with TLOU
Xbox 20/20 July Event
Damn fucking RIP
For me, it's Necrons
Worst video game covers thread?
I think I actually hate this blue faggot...
RPG Maker Thread
E3 would've happened by now
Im still very mad over this
Random encounter gets the first turn
So are you ready for Round 2 of this, but 10 times worse?
Warhammer II
Dun worry lads, free games on me everyweek!
What's the 2nd worst Souls game for you?
I always conceptually liked city builders and sims but I have not really played many other than like Banished...
What is the definition of a portable console?
Literally impossible
Repeat after me pokemon girls are for ____
First time player here, I just left Satori Marsh and I am 32lvl, am I overleveled already...
This is the man responsible for inventing the video game
What do you think Atlus is planning for pc user?
Reminder he quit tf2 for overwatch because his main account was banned for cheating on sniper
I don't get it. he literally did nothing wrong
How will they make his death in Tekken 8 sad and melancholic like his fathers?
Is this actually the worst 3D Zelda game? Besides the fact that it is so unlike any other game in the series...
So where the whispers at the end of the game trying to maintain the timeline of the original game...
Has there ever been backlash because a male video game character has been too hot?
Why was this game showered with so much praise? Half of the time you just walk around and listen to dialogue...
This is why i shitpost only on Zig Forums
There are literally no girls who play videogames beyond the most casual shit
What games prominently feature squamous, eldritch, cyclopean, unspeakable, or antediluvian things?
Has playing vidya for years made you smarter?
Any good password managers for pc gaming /v...
What monitor does Zig Forums use for gaming?
For me it's 2B
Western fans hate him and think he's shit
Chun li is for ____
Why is the Eastern female design much more attractive than its Western counterpart?
I was told this was pure action without the horror, i dont see it, theres plenty of horror...
Have a dream that you were enjoying playing a video game
Name 1 (one) better game
Bloodborne port to PC
Post your steam's account value
Of what videogame would you like to see a genderswapped reimagination?
Have they ever made any good games? I can't think of any
I can't wait to see where this is going!
Look at this nep
"Everything is true, except for the lies."
2 more days until a new Silent Hill is announced
Is this game good, are any of these games good
This is the best 3D Sonic game
Feels good being 100% sure you'll get every new game released and not needing to portbeg
Look at her go
Nintendo Shitcube: The beginning of the end for Nintendo
Play red dead
The leveling system is fucking terrible, it ruins the entire game
They used to be very passionate and creative in their works and used to make western games look like shit in comparison
What game soundtracks use non-4/4 time signatures?
Woahhhh, 1080p?????
Social Links women dont understand
Someone redpill me on Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, I never see it mentioned
Shit consoles thread?
40 years old
Wait so why is the dog incubating eggs?
The PC Gaming Show, broadcasting on Saturday June 13, will feature games from these developers:
Castlevania thread
Some Redditor lies about major gameplay elements
Demon's Souls remake and Bloodborne remake are getting healing changes
Everyone pretends game is good even though it sucks
No gods or kings
Game involves being locked inside of a cage for 8 hours per day
This game is outrageously terrible. there are way better games like Halo CE, F.E.A.R., Half-Life 1...
Video Game Collection Thread
Riots vanguard can deactivate your anti virus without asking
This thread is for blue
How do you make a scary horror game? Examples welcome
What was the biggest waste of money you ever did to spend on a video game?
> If you don't buy C&C Remaster , RA2 & Yuri won't get remade
Comfy Vidya Apartments
I'm so excited for today!
Isn't using white phosphorus an actual war crime? Why is it a killstreak in Modern Warfare?
Do you play RPG maker games? What's the appeal?
YOU! what are you playing and what do you plan to jerk off to accordingly?
Recommend me some games without black people
Do y'all have friends?
Would you play a cowadoody game but with anime grills instead of normal ppl?
Play Japanese game
What's the best secondary for Soldier?
Lmao, how is this even legal? Chinks are literally ripping off splatoon 1:1
Illuminati leaders turn out to be two strong black wymyn
Ps5 ssd is garbage
Game that got shat on on it's release is actually the peak of the series
Its out !
ITT: games that fell for the open world meme
Btfos hayter in every way
Far Cry 5s moment to moment gameplay is probably the closest we've got to a playable action film...
What rpg has the best story?
Why does Zig Forums avoid it?
Do y'all have friend?
Stop worshiping Talos
We need a gun for the private military organisation
Not played a Yakuza game before, the first hour of this is cutscenes interspersed with a few goofy beat-em-up parts
Ikumi Nakamura plans to pitch a new Okami game to Capcom
Can games be art?
This has to be one of the most soulless games I've ever played. It's kind of fun with friends though I guess
What genre of music is this?
Best gaming protagonist
Western female character design
Is it any good?
Seriously though why did they give her a thick Welsh accent in the English dub?
Elden Ring trailer is 1 year old today
Why don't gamers bathe?
Do you prefer western or Japanese games?
GTA IV is better than GTA V
We just conveniently happened to find these blueprints to a device we don't know what it does made by species from...
Why did vanripper create such a based character?
What the hell happened to this? It was supposed to be out in June and June is almost over with no word of it...
Game has tomboys
Was allowing gacha games outside Japan a mistake?
Meow meow meow meow
Are these normal male proportions?
Where do you rank it within the series?
Fuck this piece of shit and everything it stands for
I cant stop dreaming about wow, it's quite annoying because the game is shit
Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Calls herself a gamer
ITT: post misread sprites
Holds your favorite anime license hostage until the end of time and only makes arena fighter shovelware garbage for it
How do they manage to fit so much meaning into so few letters in Japanese? This is honestly pretty incredible
This motherfucker
I miss MapleStory 2 lads
Buy game
Fuck OFF Epic. I'm not giving money to the Chinese government. I fucking hate Neo-PC gaming...
I’m rage quitting hard atm. Can’t beat Soul of Cinder
How's this game still alive nearly 20 years later?
When will you admit
Resident Evil
Which MG is the strongest?
Why is this random hatchet dropped from a sickly bandit in the woods three levels ago better than relics dropped from...
Want to play video games
It's nearly fucking time Crash fags
Why is it so hard for modern RPG's to have good witty dialogue?
Speedrunning takes no skill because you are simply achieving a result with an insane amount of repetition
Halo infinite
Jesus fuck, what the shit was that ending
Do you think your life would be better now if you had never discovered video games?
>PC gaming
At max setting, what would be the most GPU-intensive PC game out there today?
God tier SSD confirming all games will be running at 4k 60fps AT LEAST
Which game has the best character customization
The final boss of the last game you played is replaced with Yamcha. How fucked are you?
Should this decade's female characters be ugly or pretty?
How many TBs does your PC have?
Do you want a free taco ?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Saves SFV
Just got a hacked ps3
Underrated games
Bloodborne for PC Q&A
What's his name ?
How could Xbox oustell the PS5?
Nintendo Direct this week (June 11th, I'm told). It's not your typical direct presentation...
Steam Avatar Thread
Netflix Bloodborne
Party member turns out to be your father
So we all agree GOG is the best right?
NPCs reuse the same animation
Who would win?
The real, final redpill is that we are going to get another expansion before another game
I got this bundle yesterday. What's good in it?
Most disappointing game ever
So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree it was SOUL[/spoil]
Persona 5 has good comba-
I feel so retarded playing this. I haven't won a single time yet. On Normal
It's honestly not as good as Skyrim
*is unfair*
Cyberpunk 2077
I started with 64 and smash ultimate feels like an insult to me. it seems like it SHOIPD be good...
How would you fix toxicity in games?
Filename thread
How best to play DS2
Need help guys!
Was it kino?
Is this the most underrated game ever...
Party member betrays you
You know what, fuck you guys. This game is better than thousand year door...
Am now the same age as my parents were when they had me
Orange Juice thread? Orange Juice thread
This nigga gets dropped behind your mineral line
Steam Avatar Thread
Ora ora ora...
Chun-li is for ____
Why is getting a knife on csgo so rough. With how much I’ve spent I should have just bought one outright...
Arms Rep in Smash
The guy with biggest cock in the world is a nerdy white gamer
There are people who wanted to become a lawyer because they played Phoenix Wright
You got about 2 hours until mom makes you go to bed...
If you ain't stealing other people's shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Ywn go back to the early 2000's
What are your thoughts on this cat? Honestly I fucking could not stand Teddie and Mona is a 100x improvement...
"Please play my game" - Halo
Press any button to continue
Deltarune when?
Series with humble beginnings becomes the cash cow for a soulless company
ITT: games you played on the wrong platform
Oh oh
Couples that game together. Cute or cringe?
Boomer thread, only 25 and over
Command & Conquer Remastered - One Of The Greatest Remasters Ever Made
Is Christianity the reason Dragon Quest is unpopular in the West?
Looking for games about controlling politics with media or some shit. Any recommendation?
Who's in?
Villain has better motivations than the protagonist
$949 USD
This game was never actually in development. It was used as bait to entice people to buy Switches
Fallout New Vegas
Clown Pussy
Sakura Wars is a good game
Name a single flaw
Overrated. 7/10
Machinery Tits of 2A or Robotic Ass of 2B
Would you like to see an Arcsys Avatar fighting game?
Lose match
Legitimately are there any good phone games?
Clubhouse Games is goo-
Alright Zig Forums. You have some amount of points, but can only put them into one stat type...
I can't wait
Post videogame bosses IRL
He didnt play Sw/Sh
So... what went wrong?
3x3 thread gamers
Why the fuck are you not playing the game?
ITT: Concept art
How do I not be absolute dogshit at this game? i play orcs...
Which one of them was the better solider?
I hate feeling directionless. What do you hate about games (nowadays)?
You have 10 seconds to reply to "gg ez" without sounding mad. ignoring it is not an option
This game is better than New Vegas
Why do they censor the nipple instead of the crushed skull
Settle it once and for all Zig Forums, which is the true king of kart racers
Pressing start skips the cutscene instead of pausing it
Who is Zig Forums's favorite streamer?
Quick post your favorite animal crossing villager!
How did pokemon turn into such a huge franchise?
Does the gender of the player character affect your enjoyment of the game?
What vidya girl resembles your gril-friend the most?
...and this is our sons room. He's quite the gamer
Animal crossing thread
In a car with some friends
Upcoming Smash Presentation Leak
Atlus is going to be on the PC Gaming event this year. What will they announce?
Sleeping Dogs
ITT: post
Co-workers start talking about lack of diversity representation in video games
This design appeals to nobody
Are there any non-woke game companies left? Im seriously considering giving up gaming all together
For me, it's the Vic Viper: the greatest spaceship design in vidya history
So what was the main responsible for Nintendo to abandoned the F-Zero series?
Jerry Lawson, African American engineer who pioneered the video game cartridge
How come all the FFVII remake shills are not excited for part 2?
Games where computer AI cheats
Steam avatar thread
No health bar
Are there any hidden jem Sonic games after Adventure 2? Or can I skip straight to Mania?
What stylish action game are you playing?
Filename thread
This just made my day
So when is her floor going to be unlocked?
You guys aren't toxic in multiplayer vidya, right?
Realistically speaking, can Ninja Gaiden Black ever be topped?
Yfw Bloodborne/Persona 5 for PC turns out to be nothing
Only 15% of players finished TLOU despite it only being 7 hours long
Megaman ZX Legacy Collection Mosaic
Nintendo has a roster fighter
What are some modern games with soul?
Name me a sexier console Zig Forums
What do you know about the three Marios?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine