Boomer thread, only 25 and over

What game are you playing?
I'm just going through the bioshock series, just started the first one today

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I'm 24

Well kindly fuck off

Playing Ys series and just started origin after finishing chronicles. Having a blast with the new combat system. The music is fucking dope too.
Having played this rekindles my itch for generic chosen swordsman saving the world stuffs without too much drama and shit. Most JRPG these days focuses more on cheesy character development that sends me to snorefest.

Gravity Rush. The music in this game is something else. Feels like an instant classic.

>25 is now considered boomer
make it stop

What world does OP live in where being 25 years old makes you a boomer?

Morrowind. Haven't ever played through the game before. I made a pillow fort on Xbox when I was young and didn't read anything or understand it outside of 'Go to a house across the river and kill a rat'. It's really charming how all of the interactions I came across so far are most just people standing around in the middle of nowhere. Going to take it slow and just follow whatever advice the NPCs give me. It's not bad advice and it makes me want to believe in them like they're going to slowly lead me to enlightenment. I tried to go with an anti-meta rp-build with speed to make wandering a bit more easy.

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25 here.
I can’t enjoy vidya anymore, but I’m back into anime. I finished NHK recently and it left a hole in my chest.

boomer has a different meaning on Zig Forums, anyone who isn't a zoomer is automatically a boomer. i guess no one felt creative enough to come up with their own dumb name.

Turned 30 yesterday and the highlight was wiping to Vashj for 2 hours.

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Same here my man, can’t make the time to truly immerse myself to vidya anymore. Watching short episodes at regular intervals is another thing however. NHK is really that good, huh?


Days gone cause it was 12 bucks... not that great but good time killer

I'm 26 and a kissless virgin. Been reading some VNs recently.Just finished Raging Loop and started Island. Escapism and food are pretty much the only good parts of life left for me. I wish I could just hook my self up to some kind of experience machine and just day dream forever.

>Love good world building
>Every new game is a bland medieval setting
>Space rpgs are dead
>Good writing is nowhere to be found
>Go back to earlier generations
>Everything aged horribly
>Bad presentation or straight tedious gameplay

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Great taste user. The music in Ys is so damn good.

32 here. Been doing Yakuza 3. Trying to hit Radiant Historia but between kid and job then time is hard to find. Played some Startropics recently to scratch an itch. Did anyone else have trouble finding the ghost dungeon as a kid? Swear that tombstone just didn't pop on a tiny ass CRT.

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Been playing Ultimate Fishing Simulator
i really miss fishing.. i want this lockdown to end so i can go back to my fishy friends and long mornings by the shore

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Shantae and the pirate's curse and the first F.E.A.R. I love the industrial setting of the game, gray skies, tall buildings washed up by time, silence surrounding you every time you are out of battle, the noises your steps make, the windows, the bullets braking and the enemies screaming. Everything is fucking good. F.E.A.R. is also cool i guess.

>Loved the Sims more when I treat it as an architect sim
>Just start using Blender and create my own house/town/city/country/world
>Put VR headset on and start exploring it at ground level
>Something missing
>Oh yeah, I didn't create any people or traffic of any kind, no animals, no life, no nothing
>Just me and the empty streets

why not be a chad bottom?

26 here. Got class in 2 hours. Its 5 am and i didnt sleep 1 bit.
God im fucking hungry. Thinking about going to a store 6 am and getting a big ass sandwich.

I was going to buy this on sale the other day but the reviews said it was garbage. I was just looking for a comfy relaxing game :(

>NHK is really that good, huh?
I wouldn’t recommend it to most people, and if you are like me you will be cringing most of the time, but it carried some very heavy feels that resonated with me.

Finally finished Tales of Symphonia, it was pretty good but boy did it go on.
Making some progress in Might and Magic 6... I think.

Do it. Might actually help get you through class.

i honestly liked it, it's buggy at times and leaves you clueless on how to progress and such but i dont mind since i pirated it

Dont play Bioshock Infinite. I mean it. No memeing its terrible. It spits on everything that made the first two games so damn comfy.

I suck at it lol

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If an anonymous person tells me over the internet, then i shall do so

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Neither gay nor chad.


It's never too late to turn things around.

28 here
Starting Umineko and doing Verdant Wind Maddening on FE Three Houses.

Playing the expansion pack to Prey because it's fun
Also playing Bannerlord because the new patch fixed always being at war
Going to play C&C remaster soon to relive my childhood. Or I might skip straight to Red Alert for maximum nostalgia.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day nigga

Same here also 26. Hang in there bro.

Been playing VR games. Boneworks, Alyx, Skyrim...
Other than that BoTW on switch.
On phone, UnCiv, Beach Buggy Racing, and Shattered Pixel Dungeon.

just got a dedicated pci ssd and i'm going to hopefully and finally once and for all get through skyrim. last time i played it i modded it sort of good but my load screens were like 2 minutes long. I got through half of it, we'll see what happens now.

ironically playing the REbirth version of RE1 on PC right now. I miss of the innocence of 90s video games.

pro-tip super advice:
jump everywhere all the time forever

I'm 20:) fuck off old people.

I never eat breakfast. Im a sleepchad usually. Never wake up before 12 on my free days and when i had to work (neet now) or school i sleep till the very fucking last minute. Till i have to run out to the car to make it in time.

>due to the state of the world out there, I'm stuck back at my parents house until the end of the month
>all my fucking games are in a storage unit
>fuckall to do, SCROOOOLLLING 24/7 because I'm losing work days to the pandemic too
>can't even go drink, just work, work out, and scroll

what are some good cheap (or piratable) single player games for PC that don't take a huge attention span to ease me through the shame of being in my late 20s crashing back at my folks place

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Am I still rangebanned?

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grab a poptart or some shit tho

I just finished Thief 1 and I was going to play through 2 right after but I think I need a break. The game is great but some of the extra objectives on expert had me wandering certain levels for way too long. Certain textures were also hard to look at and could cause areas to look samey which made it easy to get lost if you're not paying attention. I appreciate how the game doesn't really hold your hand but it would have been nice for different areas in certain levels to look more distinct. For the last three missions I switched to normal because I couldn't be bothered to deal with extra objectives with all the monster BS going on.

Oh thank God.
Well hello fellow Morrowind bro.

Been playing Morrowind for the past couple of months. It's a good game, if overrated. I've beaten it before, and this time I'm hoping to beat the expansions as well. I would like to diversify and play other games, possibly the Thief series.
I'm 27, get on my level.

29yr old boomer here.

I've mostly been playing MGS5. Finally completed the story, now I'm just grinding FOB missions to see the numbers go up. It's sorta pointless, but I've gotten so used to it I can listen to interesting programs on talk radio while doing it so it's just something to keep my fingers busy pretty much.

I should finish my Underrail save. And my Pillars of Eternity save. Then I have about 30 games I've purchased on sale and never touched. Add to that about 50 games I've gotten free from promotions, at least a dozen of which are interesting.

I really don't want to start anything new before I finish up Underrail and PoE though.

Replaying Dark Souls 2. Tried Scholar for the first time (Not sure where I got it, was it in a humble bundle or something) and it felt like meme trash, no rhyme or reason for any other the changes other than DUDE OVERWHELMING ODDS LMAO with late game enemies in early areas, someone using a shotgun to decide where to put Pursuers on the map. Got old really fast and was going to drop ot but still sort of had a desire to do a full replay so I just installed the base game instead.