Persona 5 has good comba-

Attached: edit.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

git gud

what am i seeing here

Npcs buffing main guy with resistances cause he one shots the entire party.

Anubis and the chanting baboon are fucking annoying with their all target, nearly insta-kill attacks. I'm playing on hard though.

Equip a persona that's immune to light or dark or both, equip an accessory that helps with the same, use ailments (stun, burn, freeze) to stun lock anything forever. EZPZ


I miss Persona 3's analyze system

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>one shots the entire party
When does that happen exactly?

one bad ass mother Fuuka

Isn't P5 combat balanced around getting ambushes and ending battles before the enemy gets a turn?

SMT does have the superior combat system but I like personas too

why the fuck are you using basic attacks?

>window licker plays video game

Because a he’s a retarded shitpost we

>normal attack
>using morgana
>not having ryuji use his retard strength to take out both of them

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>see thumbnail
>futaba palace
oh boooy

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Yeah, shouldn't Ryuji have Swift Strike at that point?

does it really run that smooth? looks weird.

Isis nulls curse and bless and is available in that palace. OP is a fag as per usual.

>getting filtered by Persona 5

Maybe this genre just isn't for you

You can covert videos to 60fps. If OP wants to share it

git gud, play the weakness game

OP being shit at the game and blaming the game for being a complete brainlet

We... what?

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extremely low level play in the early-mid game

>I downed anubis, let me now attack the same enemy

>My face when I beat Persona 5 without having ANY of my party members "evolve" into their social link level 10 personas
I didn't even know they'd get stronger if I upped their social link. I wanted to see all the side characters.

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Uhm user ?

>Zig Forums is too casual to even handle the most casual of genres.

So how many times are we going to see this thread for the next week and a half

I'm hoping this is bait, but I suspect OP is just a bitch-ass retard

maybe this game is more of your speed since you don't "get" that you are supposed to try and knock down the entire enemy team

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>durr me get rid of ailment skills because they no do damage

I'm using RPCS3 with a 60fps patch. I've heard the PS4 version runs at 60 too. I've also done some mods like removing bluring filters and the weird Kaleidescope effect in palaces. Just overall making it look cleaner at 1440p

Anubis is the last time Persona 5 has any challenge to it.

there is a trivial solution to this, catch the monkey guy or whatever in that dungeon who knows medium chance forget.

i hate p5 but it is piss easy, jesus christ

>I've heard the PS4 version runs at 60 too
it does not. The PS4 version is locked at 30, so is Royal.

Okumura's fight is pretty horseshit if you don't load up on psi magatamas

P5 runs at 30 on vanilla and royal on PS4 and PS4 pro


and they didn't believe me when i said candlejack is re