Attached: 04596966-5A72-40EB-885E-F79F0D736137.png (600x338, 19.09K)
Has playing vidya for years made you smarter?
Christian Butler
Jackson Brown
how about this one
Jason Moore
Michael Hughes
Luis Mitchell
Kayden Reyes
Logan Cook
Impossible since the last symbol is different from the ones in the first line, but if it were the same it'd be 67.
Blake Campbell
Those are different symbols. This algebra problem is shit.
Jackson Peterson
It’s not impossible, you just need to turn on your brain and actually think, retard
Bentley Torres
Then what is the answer? So I can see if I'd be correct when I turn on my brain.
Lincoln Brown
Jordan Jackson
Is it 88 or 38?
Josiah Brooks
Liam Gonzalez
Either undefined or 38, but "puzzles" like these are bullshit.
Justin Collins
Lincoln King
its 41 you fucking retards
Noah Myers
Asher Flores
Austin Taylor
Joseph Jenkins
Christopher Cruz
>spoonfeed me!!!
The website link is in OP. Solve it yourself or be a pussy and look it up.
Colton Butler
How are you getting 67?
Alexander Rodriguez
The pic says "math"
3 o'clock = 3 doesn't imply 2 o'clock = 2
4 banana = 4 doesn't imply 3 banana = 3
4 missing corners from the square doesn't mean what you think either, because that's not how math works
Patterns are not math. And as you can see, I already solved it with the arbitrary non math logic anyway. Cope.
Joshua Morgan
Gavin Smith
Samuel Myers
Logan Turner
Chase Parker
Vidya has helped me get smart enough to decode language!
Andrew Rivera
Retard. Did you seriously pass the 5th grade?
Levi Myers
It's 51.
The first symbol equals 15 and has 15 points on all the shapes in it. The symbol that appears in the last equation is missing the square, so minus 4 points to be 11.
3 + 4 + 4 * 11 = 51
Tyler Edwards
Aaron Adams
Oliver Collins
Jayden Perry
it's 38 you dumb retard
Alexander Stewart
so close yet so far
Connor Miller
fuck, didn't see that the last symbols differed slightly. The usual Zig Forums crap.
Mason Thomas
39 is the correct answer.
3+36= 39
Kevin Long
stop being a faggot
you aren't as smart as you think you are
Brayden Brooks
Its 19.
2 of clock + 3 bananas + 3 bananas + 6 sides on 6 sided object + 5 sided in the object inside the 6 sided one.
If you use the same exact logic in previous parts you see its not the objects that have value but the properties of the object.
Aiden Morgan
Two of the symbols in the last line are undefined, it is therefore unsolvable with the available data.
Scientific reasoning isn't a creative process.
Juan Baker
Wrong, bananas are different
Brody Ward
>all the symbols change in the last equation
faggoty ass shit
fuck nerds
Easton Powell
2 o clock + 3 bananas + 3 bananas + hexagon(6) + pentagon(5) = 19
Lincoln Young
Does anybody have any better ones? This one requires too many baseless assumptions.
Connor Bennett
>It's missing a part
Mason Wilson
3 + 4 + 4 × 15
Carson Ortiz
That's the point though.
Xavier Powell
it's unsolvable you BLIND retards
Parker Phillips
50 obviously
Julian Lee
Ups didn't see the X its 38 then.
You always do multiplication first before you do auditions.
Matthew Allen
blind retards
Henry Adams
45/3 = 15
(23 - 15)/2 = 4
(10 - 4)/2 = 3
3 + 4 + (4 * 15) = 67
Wyatt Ramirez
>Scientific reasoning isn't a creative process
Math isn't science retard
Also Math is a creative process because Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
Gabriel Gray
t. smooth brain
Hudson Cruz
I'm about to end everyone's careers:
Polygon = P, Banana = B, Clock = C
1. 3*P = 45 ........P = 45/3 = 15
2. 2*B + 15 =23 ....... 2*B = 8 ...... B = 8/2 = 4
3. 4 + 2*C = 10 ...... 2*C = 6 ..... C = 6/2 = 3
4. 3 + 4 + (4 * 15) = 67