Can we safely agree that PC and PS5 will be the greatest gaming combo?

Can we safely agree that PC and PS5 will be the greatest gaming combo?

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All of the PS5's library that's worth playing is also on PC. PS5 is redundant.
Real combo is PC+Switch

The ps5 has literally no games. Stop buying consoles already you dumb cuck, it's not worthi t.


If you stop buying consoles you won't need a combo and it'd be cheaper for everyone in the long run. PC all the way.

Hey look an unlikable tan and some censorbait. Nanami wins again!

You can emulate the Switch. Consoles are fucking garbage, stop buying them.

PC and nothing else
fuck snoy
fuck ninceldo
fuck spencer
and most importantly
fuck (you) invalid consolenigger

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PC + Switch is the only option.
Maybe Quest can come too.

God I would coom on/in both of those