Can we safely agree that PC and PS5 will be the greatest gaming combo?

Can we safely agree that PC and PS5 will be the greatest gaming combo?

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All of the PS5's library that's worth playing is also on PC. PS5 is redundant.
Real combo is PC+Switch

The ps5 has literally no games. Stop buying consoles already you dumb cuck, it's not worthi t.


If you stop buying consoles you won't need a combo and it'd be cheaper for everyone in the long run. PC all the way.

Hey look an unlikable tan and some censorbait. Nanami wins again!

You can emulate the Switch. Consoles are fucking garbage, stop buying them.

PC and nothing else
fuck snoy
fuck ninceldo
fuck spencer
and most importantly
fuck (you) invalid consolenigger

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PC + Switch is the only option.
Maybe Quest can come too.

God I would coom on/in both of those

-ed on your apparent age, you should probably get off of this site, as you risk a ban by being here.

>Forced to go out
>Can't take his 500USD web browsing machine with him to play video games.

Ah, PS5 makes PC look childish and outdated, just like real life.

uhh... no?
Why would you buy a PS5 if you already have a gaming PC?

I buy all the consoles because I like collecting

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PC + Win7 is the true gaming combo.

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>PC and whatever games sony's san francisco-based morality police decide you're allowed to play
yeah that sounds great user, definitely worth 599 of your currency

Stick to a few games with high longevity, then play games 3 years after they come out. That way you can play whatever you want. If you start to encroach on your timer, go back to your stable.

You can't play online mutltiplayer on a switch emulator with people who own a real switch.

Playing online mutliplayer is like seeing a poop on the floor and deciding to go and touch it

>I don't like it so it doesn't count

Based masterrace.

>I can't so it doesn't count

Her breasts are way too big for not having any good games (assuming Sony's downward spiral continues)

Why would something I don't like ever factor into my purchasing decisions? Are you retarded?
you managed to post essentially the same thing twice so i'm going with "yes"

Not seeing any reason for PC, it doesn't have any games I want

No one cares about you and no one was talking about you.

Hell yeah
I can't wait to play the furry game on my brand new ps5

Well done on successfully posting only once this time LMAO


>anthropomorphic machine as a mascot
I puked a little, desu


but what about video games?

Greatest combo is strong desktop PC + decent laptop PC

I have a huge collection of PS4 games, I think PS5+Switch will be the best choice for me. Why do you need a PC and a PS5?

You don't, the PC makes the PS5 redundant.

LMAO no. The only game announced was a 7th gen remake. It's a BB machine again

Why would you choose PC and not PS5?

I am just here for the puffy vulvas

So you can spend thousands of dollars on a machine you’ll need to upgrade in 4 years.


Video games ?

goddamn my router looks like THAT?

Why wouldn't I choose the superior hardware with the better and bigger library?

Yeah I'll just pay $899 to play games at 30fps instead.

Unironically what "games" are there to play other than Demon's Souls remake?
Definitely not worth.


To play more modern games like Spiderman

who the hell wants a PS5