great franchises that Nintendo are neglecting.
Great franchises that Nintendo are neglecting
You got a port 2 years ago quit your whining
most of them
nintendo are sat on an infinite pile of money and equally big pile of franchises they refuse to use because some jap kike doesn't want to risk making his gold hoard smaller even though just having their name on it ensures 40 million sales day 1
F-Zero, revive it
Golden Sun...finish the 4th game
Remakes of Earthbound, EBB, Mother 3
Paper Mario
Mario RPGs in general really
A sequel to Metroid: Fushion
yeah and Metroid 2 got a remake 3 years ago with prime 4 on the way
>Paper Mario
did you forget the paper mario game coming out in a month?
not really paper mario
>i don't like it even though it isn't even out yet so it's not real
The fucking bosses are pencils, rubber bands, and tape and not in some stealth way because yeah I'm aware of bosses for example in Mario RPG were weapons but this game they are actual fucking pencils, rubber bands, and tape.
Getting tired of "dude its paper"