great franchises that Nintendo are neglecting.
Great franchises that Nintendo are neglecting
You got a port 2 years ago quit your whining
most of them
nintendo are sat on an infinite pile of money and equally big pile of franchises they refuse to use because some jap kike doesn't want to risk making his gold hoard smaller even though just having their name on it ensures 40 million sales day 1
F-Zero, revive it
Golden Sun...finish the 4th game
Remakes of Earthbound, EBB, Mother 3
Paper Mario
Mario RPGs in general really
A sequel to Metroid: Fushion
yeah and Metroid 2 got a remake 3 years ago with prime 4 on the way
>Paper Mario
did you forget the paper mario game coming out in a month?
not really paper mario
>i don't like it even though it isn't even out yet so it's not real
The fucking bosses are pencils, rubber bands, and tape and not in some stealth way because yeah I'm aware of bosses for example in Mario RPG were weapons but this game they are actual fucking pencils, rubber bands, and tape.
Getting tired of "dude its paper"
None of the Mother games need remakes and an official translation of 3 would be censored in probably multiple ways.
Any Racing game is sadly doomed to never be made since it will always sell less than mario kart, which is also much easier to make.
Most of their Rhythm Games in general.
>Thinking EBB doesn't need a remake
Its the one no one wants to play
>Thinking EB doesn't deserve a remake
EB getting clay models for the game's art would be top level kino
>Thinking M3 shouldn't be put into the rest of the world, implying a censored game would be bad still.
Pretty sure nintendo has chilled out some with the censoring last I checked at least but even then...EBB and EB were both censored and they are just fine!
>tropical freeze considered one of the best jump n runs, return also was a huge success
>no new game revealed since 6 years
why Zig Forumsbros
Wave Race
1080 Snowboarding
Excite Truck
Eternal Darkness
Steel Diver
Endless Ocean
Wii Sports
>Endless Ocean
I'd love for a third game. Too bad Nintendo doesn't really explore niche casual experiences anymore.
Hostile takeover Gamefreak you fucks
I forgot to mention Pilotwings.
>Its the one no one wants to play
People not wanting to play an old game is on them.
>EB getting clay models for the game's art would be top level kino
That would actually be pretty cool.
>Pretty sure nintendo has chilled out some with the censoring last I checked at least but even then...EBB and EB were both censored and they are just fine!
I don't see how mother 3 would get a pass honestly, the fan translation is probably better than any official one would be anyways. I've always wondered what the game would have been like if it actually released on the N64 though.
Retro was silent for a long time before they got put on Prime 4 when it restarted development.
A funky surfing game would be pretty rad.
Better just do a mash up mix donkey kong up with wave race.
Think about it. Apes on jetskis.
Now just isn’t the right time.
>People not wanting to play an old game is on them.
Yeah and it sucks since EBB has a good amount of soul to it but Link's Awakening was remade for Money and to help a new generation get into it as well. (waiting on that remake to be on sale still)
>That would actually be pretty cool.
Glad you can see my point. EB alone has some things a remake could fix as well mechanic wise even though. For one thing if you make yourself immune to sleep you open yourself to confuse. It makes brainshock psi 0 threat early game and omega threat end game.
>I don't see how mother 3 would get a pass honestly, the fan translation is probably better than any official one would be anyways.
I don't see Mother 3 really getting to the rest of the world unless they remake it anyway, which I guess wouldn't bug me. I'd love to see EB64 be revived.
And nintendo has allowed worse things I feel to be uncensored anyway. And yeah I'd be pretty worried about any official one over the fan translation as well with the Treehouse people, but nintendo has last I checked been making NoE do stuff like RPGs and they don't put memes and shit in their translations at least.
But I want the game in actual English from an official source. If the official translation sucks still then I don't see it as a loss. Breath of Fire 2 has a fan translation that blows Capcom's official one out of the sky to the point where people that version over any other. In fact lots of fan translations are awesome.
Golden Sun and Metroid.
Metroid should be their FPS flagship. Golden Sun has unreal potential if they opt to update the combat, which is pretty dated at this point.
Advance Wars
>Golden Sun
Camelot doesn't have the talent for it anymore, did you actually LIKE the third game?
why do idiots keep acting like nintendo hasn't made a metroid game in the past 20 years when in reality they've never really stopped making games for the series plus prime 4 is in development right now
Nope, but they started it. And the world after magic is around for everyone is a pretty cool setting.
So either recon it and say it didn't happen or at least try to salvage it.
Granted I can just pretend that nothing happened after the 2nd game like I do now. But I wouldn't mind a new attempt to fix what was in 3.
>Nintendorks pulling the Capkuck card
Like pottery.
>waiting on that remake to be on sale still
Nintendo games don't go on sale. Its pretty fucking dumb that a gameboy game remake was asking full price though.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo considers Splatoon to be their flagship shooter game (yeah I know it isn't first person).
Metroid hasn't had a game that most people consider good since Prime 3. Samus Returns was alright but the spinoff game and Other M were dogshit. Prime 4 seems to be in dev hell too. The fans are just starved for new games that are actually good. Any fan would rather have no new games in a series they like than a shit new game in a series they like.