Zig Forums can't afford 699$

>Zig Forums can't afford 699$
What are you poor? Poverty snitch fans can play their marios

Attached: ps3 meme sony.png (840x432, 127.42K)

>Dude PC is way too expensive for such a minuscule performance boost over consoles
What did snoyboys mean by this?

Fuck you.

so im guessing $300 is poor? nice bait though

No matter how much money the PS5 cost it still can't play the games that start flame wars

Attached: 17 2.jpg (937x828, 49.7K)

Remember when people said the Switch was going to flop because it was too expensive?

Are you poor? Or just retarded?

Why would I need a PS5? If I wanted to drop money on hardware, I'd get an Index.

>Buying a console on launch and not getting someone else to get it for you
Full retard

Not poor, the Piss 5 looks like gay nigga shit. Looks like a fucking dildo.
I bought three Switches instead.