>Zig Forums can't afford 699$
What are you poor? Poverty snitch fans can play their marios
Zig Forums can't afford 699$
>Dude PC is way too expensive for such a minuscule performance boost over consoles
What did snoyboys mean by this?
Fuck you.
so im guessing $300 is poor? nice bait though
No matter how much money the PS5 cost it still can't play the games that start flame wars
Remember when people said the Switch was going to flop because it was too expensive?
Are you poor? Or just retarded?
Why would I need a PS5? If I wanted to drop money on hardware, I'd get an Index.
>Buying a console on launch and not getting someone else to get it for you
Full retard
Not poor, the Piss 5 looks like gay nigga shit. Looks like a fucking dildo.
I bought three Switches instead.