>Zig Forums can't afford 699$
What are you poor? Poverty snitch fans can play their marios
Zig Forums can't afford 699$
>Dude PC is way too expensive for such a minuscule performance boost over consoles
What did snoyboys mean by this?
Fuck you.
so im guessing $300 is poor? nice bait though
No matter how much money the PS5 cost it still can't play the games that start flame wars
Remember when people said the Switch was going to flop because it was too expensive?
Are you poor? Or just retarded?
Why would I need a PS5? If I wanted to drop money on hardware, I'd get an Index.
>Buying a console on launch and not getting someone else to get it for you
Full retard
Not poor, the Piss 5 looks like gay nigga shit. Looks like a fucking dildo.
I bought three Switches instead.
Seeth more, cuck
Based, snoyniggers are retarded
>HAHAHA Consoles are cheaper than PCs, fucking dumbass mustards.
>What you can't afford SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY NINE CENTS for less power than comparable PCs?
>le poorfag
Consolite hypocrisy at it's finest.
neither, thats why I own a Pc and switch. I have fun
I'm gonna laugh when Sony gets btfo'd by Microsoft regarding price. Get fuck snoyboys.
When the fuck did I say any of that? Quality gaming costs quality money.
I bought a PC instead and it's still got better specs than your wifi router
They did this when Snoy started requiring subscription for multiplayer after years of shitting on xbabbies for it.
>Quality gaming
Snoy has none.
>quality money
Money is only quantity.
>too rich for a Switch
>too poor for a PC
Why would I spend $700 on a console with no games?
Zig Forums on suicide watch now
Shut the fuck up, you piece of stupid shit. I'll smack you across your room while your mom watches and cries.
unironically this
>buy my log of shit! It's 1000 dollars!
>Can’t afford a 60$ game
Why are you poor? Poverty snoy fans can play their tranny dino games
when This poster makes threads about They not being mad at nintendo games holding value at $60, They seem pretty poor
when This poster buys used games when They go to gamestop They are used to getting a low price as it is all that They can afford on Their fast food job wages
when This poster claims They have a thing of value, it just shows that They are only able to afford one "valuable" thing in Their daily life, and to have many things of medium value is beyond Their affordation