Please let this be the norm for console games going forward. Please

Please let this be the norm for console games going forward. Please.

Attached: graphical-modes.png (1920x1080, 266.42K)

Don't settle for a compromise.

Attached: pc.jpg (900x900, 96.72K)

my 2080ti doesn't have to choose.

I feel like I'm one of the only people on this board who doesn't even care about 60fps.


You might be compromising a few hundred dollars away right there, friend.

Depends on the trade off. Are the graphics twice as good for getting half the frames? Unlikely. It probably has diminishing returns. Higher framerate with slightly uglier graphics beats slightly better graphics with shitty framerate. Yes, 30 fps is shitty, you Stockholm's console babies.

you're a weeb right? then you must understand how awful tales games play on ps3 when the fps drops below 60fps into slidshow territory.

You shouldn’t have to pick between the two

>Tripfag renowned far and wide to be shit at fighting games
Checks out. Hand in your melanin until you can at least put up a decent show in third strike son, you're embarrassing the rest of us.

bad news, we're right before the ray tracing boom