Please let this be the norm for console games going forward. Please

Please let this be the norm for console games going forward. Please.

Attached: graphical-modes.png (1920x1080, 266.42K)

Don't settle for a compromise.

Attached: pc.jpg (900x900, 96.72K)

my 2080ti doesn't have to choose.

I feel like I'm one of the only people on this board who doesn't even care about 60fps.


You might be compromising a few hundred dollars away right there, friend.

Depends on the trade off. Are the graphics twice as good for getting half the frames? Unlikely. It probably has diminishing returns. Higher framerate with slightly uglier graphics beats slightly better graphics with shitty framerate. Yes, 30 fps is shitty, you Stockholm's console babies.

you're a weeb right? then you must understand how awful tales games play on ps3 when the fps drops below 60fps into slidshow territory.

You shouldn’t have to pick between the two

>Tripfag renowned far and wide to be shit at fighting games
Checks out. Hand in your melanin until you can at least put up a decent show in third strike son, you're embarrassing the rest of us.

bad news, we're right before the ray tracing boom

>is a retard
Every single time.

I don't play Tales games anymore, but I don't remember them being slide show territory.

My Elena was good stuff.

Consolefags are begging for graphics options? Damn, about time.

t. 60hz monitor pleb

>Hand in your melanin until you can at least put up a decent show in third strike son
fucking lol

If I'm playing a game like a turn-based RPG or a nice adventure game, I can let it pass, but if it's a fast-paced competitive first person shooter like Quake or Unreal Tournament, every frame can be the difference between winning and losing.

I didn't really believe it before but there are genuinely a lot of people who can't see or feel the difference between 30 and 60 fps. Jarring.

It's usually retards with screen smoothing on their tv turned on.

>consoleshitters need to lower graphics to attain 60fps

Attached: 1589329622194.jpg (953x1282, 148.81K)

I an understand it when it comes to competitive play, but I don't see how 60fps is SUCH a big deal for non competitive games like Rachet & Clank or something. I prefer the look of 30. Same with TV shows and movies.

It's about how the game feels to play. Jesus Christ. The only games that don't benefit from higher framerates are Visual Novels.

I remember when you used to post naked little boys

my rig was $2k and i have to compromise on most games

Yes, but 4K 60 FPS or 1080p 120 FPS.

The compromise here is that it costs five times more

fpbp, don't cuck yourself OP

You know it is.

Make that 1.5-2.5 times more.
Especially once the new GPUs launch and you can get a 2080 Ti-tier GPU for sub-$400.

Attached: SIX NINETY NINE.png (1162x499, 146.23K)

It's not the whether it's 30 or 60 that bothers me, it's the stability.
If a game can't maintain one of the two perfectly then it's worthless to me.

1080p and 60 fps should be the norm by now.
Fucking consoles.

>he bought prebuilt dell shit


I've certainly played many a console game at 30 (or less) and enjoyed it, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around preferring 30 to 60.

Part of it may just be because I'm old, but I play games to play them, not for "experiences". A game at 60+ FPS just looks and feels more responsive, where the barrier between the game and the player/input device becomes that much thinner. This is what games should be optimized around, creating something that just feels fast and responsive and unencumbered to play, and higher refresh is a necessity to achieve that.

lol what is this, 1996? Get it together, consoles!

But the idea was to not settle for compromise

ofc the tripfag weeb won't need 60 fps for his turn-based JRPG and visual novels

Yes, that's the point.
You won't need to compromise even on an RTX 3070 if the rumored performance boosts are to be believed.
If that GPU ends up being ~30% more powerful than a 2080 Ti, then not only will it take a shit on a PS5, but it'll even take a shit on an XSX, for sub-$500.
Hell, we might even see the $150 RTX 3050 outperforming the PS5.

>60 FPS target
>not 120 FPS at 1440p

It also does 20 times more things.
You consolefags seems to forget that computers don't exist solely to play media like consoles do.

shut the fuck up onsokumaru

>having to lower settings just to get 60fps
>the entire RTX lineup can do 1080p 60fps with ease

what year is it?

I agree with you. I’m very tired of listening to people cry about frames on here and refuses to play stuff if it’s below 60. I can’t understand. It just doesn’t make sense.

The last 3 games I played were Shantae, Thousand Year Door and DMC5. I wouldn't care if DMC5 wasn't 60fps and yes I can play it on higher difficulties.

>I can’t understand why people want their games to play more smoothly it’s just so strange!