Mii Fighters

Post your favorite Mii Fighters.

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I like this one

Attached: Mii_Gunner_SSB4.png (250x250, 56.45K)

I always wondered why they changed the default miis for Ultimate.

I think it’s so they’re better proportioned for costumes. That’s why all their heads have shrunk a bit.

This guy!

Attached: 200px-Genosmrpg.png (200x334, 76.77K)

the new ones look better
never saw anyone make porn of the wii u mii gunner

Attached: mii gunner.jpg (480x360, 12.11K)

That's the Wii U Mii Gunner right there you moron.
The Wii U Mii Gunner is the one with the big, blank eyes and the flat mouth, giving a sort of robotic feeling.
The new one has the mouth with a lip and colored eyes, and the suit is a jacket instead of a simple orange shirt. Literally no one has drawn porn of the new one.

People have drawn plenty of fat art of the new one.

are you blind
those are clearly the eyes from Ultimate
wii u has the eyelashes and pupil separate
the eyelashes and pupil are connected in the porn
the hair is different from both