Post your favorite Mii Fighters.
Mii Fighters
I like this one
I always wondered why they changed the default miis for Ultimate.
I think it’s so they’re better proportioned for costumes. That’s why all their heads have shrunk a bit.
This guy!
the new ones look better
never saw anyone make porn of the wii u mii gunner
That's the Wii U Mii Gunner right there you moron.
The Wii U Mii Gunner is the one with the big, blank eyes and the flat mouth, giving a sort of robotic feeling.
The new one has the mouth with a lip and colored eyes, and the suit is a jacket instead of a simple orange shirt. Literally no one has drawn porn of the new one.
People have drawn plenty of fat art of the new one.
are you blind
those are clearly the eyes from Ultimate
wii u has the eyelashes and pupil separate
the eyelashes and pupil are connected in the porn
the hair is different from both
The eyelashes and pupil are also separate in the Ultimate one, dipshit.
It's also very clearly the same shirt and has the flat mouth that the Wii U one has.
Use your fucking eyes before making random generalizing claims. Look at this and tell me that the Mii in OP looks more like the one in your picture than this one. I forgot about that being a fad for a bit, yeah.
But the old one still ultimately holds the vast majority of fanart.
Reimu? More like Lame Ooo. Goemon? More like Joy, mon.
I was so happy when I got to Iksan people with F-Smash.
>are you blind
Are you?
>Those are clearly the eyes from Ultimate
Ultimate and Smash 4 have the same eyes, but the new one is colored instead of being pure black, like the ones in that image very clearly are.
>the eyelashes and pupil are connected in the porn
No they aren't. You posted a shitty jpg, but even then it's pretty clear they're disconnected.
>The hair is different from both
Fucking how is it different from the one in Smash 4?
The bangs have an "M" shape; it's not exact, but it's very obviously closer to the one in Smash 4 than the one in Ultimate that's completely different.
Oh and there's also the fact that it's very clearly the outfit from 4 and not the jacket from Ultimate.
Did you just post your image without looking at it? Or are you confused about which one is which?
>mii brawler gets the fucking geese counter
>no geese costume
feels bad man
Man, you're making me want to turn on my computer. I made like 75 of these.
You know what annoys the FUCKING SHIT out of me? You don't get Miis when you choose Random on the character select screen, and the Miis you fight in single player don't have their complete costumes, but we know it's possible because if you wait long enough on the title screen it'll go into demo mode and it picks Miis sometimes.
Ronald McDonald
He also works as a Swordfighter or a Brawler.
>pass 2 is gonna break the 99 mii limit in terms of full costumed miis
>gonna have to decide who to delete off my roster
fuck my life
Pretty sure this is the last one I have saved on my phone.
I know that feeling. I make a lot of them myself. I'm even hosting a tournament later today exclusively consisting of Mii Fighters.
Pic related is among the participants.
That's a very specific thing to notice, user. Thanks for sharing. I personally dislike that you can't do Classic mode with the Mii Fighters.
My n2 elite purchase is turning out to be more and more useful nowadays, considering i can use it to back up all my mii fighter setups and the actual miis themselves
I like this, very clever. I miss the Check Mii Out channel back on the Wii. Those were good times.
(Orange Ninja Outfit, it worked better when you could make him max width and minimum height.)
I genuinely miss being able to change height and weight of miis as well.
>I personally dislike that you can't do Classic mode with the Mii Fighters.
That too! Why even add them if you're going to do them dirty, Sakurai?
This costume is great because you can use yellow for Bruce Lee or the bride from Kill Bill, green to make Deku, or blue for a UA sports uniform.
Yeah it's a great option. Funny enough after all this time I just recently found two mii fighter hats in World of Light as I worked on my spirit collection. I genuinely look forward to more.
took me a while to get them all but here's my current list
missing only 2 full sets rn (toycon and mario maker) but otherwise it's all the 57 (59 if those two are included) full sets available in the game right now + the defaults and a bonus rock howard i made, bringing the total to 66
if pass 2 has 5 miis for every challenger pack, i might just be able to make it with just three slots left
That just reminded me, the Yoga Clan outfit makes a great Deadpool.
grotesque steve aside, it would be a real shame if he didn't get a mii fighter outfit