Unteralterbach threads get deleted on sight but nigger and furry porn stays up
Games we're not allowed to talk about
Justin Morris
Angel Ortiz
It's not a real child so what's the problem?
Dylan Hughes
So you can sex about lesbian swj trannies but not about video games?
Parker Reyes
Since when it's a problem to want to fuck video game characters you fucking double nigger?
Liam Davis
>ugly lesbian shit game
>protec aryan daughterfu game
Japanese game design wins again!
Hudson Wright
Evan Hernandez
Camden Bell
>furry porn stays up
I noticed this too lately. It's like they forgot that "Furry porn outside of Zig Forums" is an actual report category.
Fucking furrnigger jannies.
Landon Myers
I bet you are one of those who go after real little girls, you sick fuck.
Oliver Evans
>Ignores the (small child) part
Die, scum.