Games we're not allowed to talk about

Why can't we JUST have children as represented in games as they in literally every art form and real life? Why the fuck does everyone try to remove them from games, they make them unkillable, they don't let you make a kid character in RPGs. Why are devs and gamers so autistic when it comes to children, movies don't have this problem, they just treat them exactly the same way as everyone else, normally.

can you point to where i said i wasn't

And what exactly is wrong about it?

begone filth

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So this is a small innocent child in your opinion?
oooooooooooooooookai normie what evah

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>posts a screenshot from an anime where all the love interests are 15
The projection is strong with this one

Jannies hate whites and non-gay/mutants


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you first dnormpie

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