New Cyberpunk trailer in a few hours to promote the big stream in a few weeks

New Cyberpunk trailer in a few hours to promote the big stream in a few weeks.

What does a 2 minute need to show to sell you on 2077?

Attached: witcha.jpg (483x469, 38.66K)

2 minutes of raw unedited gameplay.

Attached: 1587946230298.png (688x484, 503.11K)

there won't be anything
this is a "glimpse into night city" to keep you going

Attached: nc.webm (1024x576, 2.05M)

They already busted their load, i am sure watch dogs 2 will be a better cyberpunk at this point than this shit.

I already preordered. I just need the fucking game to come out so i play it. If this gets delayed again because of America shitting the bed with their riots i'll be MAD!!!

Attached: reeeeeee.jpg (500x498, 47.08K)

People still give a shit about that game? Can’t wait for the disappointment when it comes out lmao.

every game that comes out is a disappointment.

Not at all, but when you hype something for five years it will surely dissapoint.

Yes all games are a disappointment
all games fucking suck

Is it part of the PC Gaming Show or Future Gaming stream?