New Cyberpunk trailer in a few hours to promote the big stream in a few weeks

New Cyberpunk trailer in a few hours to promote the big stream in a few weeks.

What does a 2 minute need to show to sell you on 2077?

Attached: witcha.jpg (483x469, 38.66K)

2 minutes of raw unedited gameplay.

Attached: 1587946230298.png (688x484, 503.11K)

there won't be anything
this is a "glimpse into night city" to keep you going

Attached: nc.webm (1024x576, 2.05M)

They already busted their load, i am sure watch dogs 2 will be a better cyberpunk at this point than this shit.

I already preordered. I just need the fucking game to come out so i play it. If this gets delayed again because of America shitting the bed with their riots i'll be MAD!!!

Attached: reeeeeee.jpg (500x498, 47.08K)

People still give a shit about that game? Can’t wait for the disappointment when it comes out lmao.

every game that comes out is a disappointment.

Not at all, but when you hype something for five years it will surely dissapoint.

Yes all games are a disappointment
all games fucking suck

Is it part of the PC Gaming Show or Future Gaming stream?

seems more like you are depressed or some other gay shit.

Silent cop protagonist walking in the rain listening to night caller by Kavinsky, while look at a hologram of a cute purple girl ith blue hair poiting at him
That's true cyberpunk


Also, the ground is purple wireframe and there's a neon sunset in the background with a ferrari driving into it

My cyberniggers

His ass.

it's been hyped too much, no game can survive this long of a build up. i seriously do not give a shit about any more trailers or footage i just need to play it for myself

15 seconds of good gameplay. Something fast paced, mouse+keyboard, interesting skill use, good AI... but I really doubt it's gonna happen

I assume the story, graphics, music will be alright, but I still don't see any actually good gameplay.

he's literally me

Someone is seriously expecting good gameplay mechanics from CDPR?

Attractive girls. We've already seen the ugly/older ones.

I'm not. I've played all of the Witchers. But that would sell me the game instantly.

I'm already sold on it. The only thing they can do now is fuck up enough for me to back out.

>What does a 2 minute need to show to sell you on 2077?
Something which catches the same atmosphere and aesthetic of the original trailer.

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-Trailer-Wallpaper.jpg (1500x750, 162.37K)

remove shitty borderlands gunplay
more white/asian waifus
better music than mumble rap

>TrannyPunk trailer

Very fast melee combat.

>show character customization
>create female character
>max titty size is like basketballs
>enable dick
>max dick size is past her knees
>start game
>take off clothes
>see boobs bouncing and dick swinging
day 1 purchase if it happens

Attached: serge3dx - Mary.webm (480x640, 2.99M)

Why is there no porn of this semen demon

I'm not ready yet, more important discussions are still happening

Attached: cyberpunk_blm.png (611x356, 41.67K)

They said they were changing up melee combat im pretty sure. We could get something absolutely amazing coming from that end, even though the footage they showed of melee was a magic whip and the knife arms it could still end up being pretty fast.

Its not going to happen, time changes everything, the concept of the game that the designers had has clearly changed in their minds over time.

Besides the degeneracy that looks impressive

>the concept of the game that the designers had has clearly changed in their minds over time.
More like everyone and his mother already copied the aesthetics so now CDPR have no idea what to do.

A city that looks like Coruscant at night.

They bent the knee, faggots

Implying they had any idea in the first place and weren't just throwing shit at the wall

Is that the Jesse dude from Breaking Bad? Damn he aged.

You liked the first trailer, right?