Start playing Guilty Gear you brainless cephalopod

Start playing Guilty Gear you brainless cephalopod

Attached: I-No.gif (500x270, 2M)

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hell no

Attached: latest[1].png (1436x1932, 1.26M)

>posts i-no
>calling me brainless

the ironing

Attached: jwei.jpg (1110x1200, 142.78K)

ded series

I play it since xx faggot zoomer

>posts Johnny
>calls anyone brainless

Is it time for the "everybody knows everything about the game nobody plays" thread already?

Went back alittle while ago and played it with friends who used to play. Id say we play alot better now with more fightan experience but game knowledge atleast on my end tanked alittle.

I also used to have a okay Faust/Ky/Potemkin but since im lazy and grapplers are easy conceptually for me i just used Potemkin for like the past 10 sets because fuck if i remember any nuance with Faust items and Ky is easy but ill drop my IAD yrc shit and get mad. Im hoping for a Rev 3/Xrd 3 down the line when Strive tanks like the monstrosity its looking like its going to be honestly atleast give me Xrd Anji and alittle more music well people shill that hollow shell.

xrd is dead and strive is a laughing stock

Johnny is unironically the highest IQ character in Xrd. Relies on whiff punishing and conditioning opponents with real footsies, and need a strong defense because no meterless reversal. Meanwhile I-no just runs away to spam chemical love for easy knockdowns into oki, and cheap yrc gimmicks like stbt yrc and hcl yrc.

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It is a waste of time to learn a fighting game at age 25. Your neuroplasticity has gone down significantly, and your reaction time is shot.

Learning fighting games are for the ages of 15 - 22. After that, it's over.