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Video Games #5126
Video Games
Boss comes back from the dead
So its all but confirmed at this point right?
Are the witcher books worth reading
What do you think about Sony making and buying companies to have games exclusive on PlayStation?
OBSIDIAN's Grounded
The Minecraft bee is trans
Got stuck after dragons? well to bad you should've inspected the photo machine
Him being gay is a device to express his tyrant psychopathy instead of a defining trait
Zig Forums says it's bad
Bannerlord is one of the worst games I have ever played but it has a "Very Positive" score on Steam. Why...
Real question, why is the PlayStation brand so strong?
I need a reason strong enough that will convince my parents to buy me a Switch. Help me Zig Forums
Why are Western devs and gamers so afraid of yuri?
Sega games on PC
Ace Attorney
One copy of Persona 4 Golden please
The new Xbox Series X controller, like its predecessors...
Is it worth getting into now?
What can Microsoft do to convince you to get an Xbox Series X over a PlayStation 5?
How do we stop the gacha menace?
Well, Zig Forums?
Resident Evil 8 cancelled for current gen and PC
Why did naughty dog do her dirty?
Nintenbros... it's over
You do not voice wrong opinions on steam forums, right?
Just buy a gaming pc
I'm so tired of reboots
You have stopped supporting racist platforms right??
Why did you guys tell me rpcs3 is a good emulator? The sound pops and it loaded into this black screen
Can you comple this game for the first time withoud dying?
How can it be that a single nation makes almost all the greatest games in gaming history?
Metacritic 96/100
Guess the ps5 price
Xbox Series X
I think Dynasty Warriors has some of the most underrated waifus in vidya
Do you prefer goblins or gnomes?
"user, I'm sorry. We're no longer showing Sonic the Hedgehog. However...
How can we prevent consumerism from destroying video games?
For me, it's Loba
Humble Bundle
When did Zelda turn into Dora?
It's out now, any other anons than me give a shit?
Who does this appeal to
Steam Summer Festival
Vampire The Masquerade 2 to Include Trigger Warnings
The Demo is out on Steam
How are you enjoying P4G so far? You're going to date best girl, right??
What does it take to get a fucking SMT thread going around here?
Is he based or cringe ?
Can someone rate my PC build?
Resident Evil
How do we fix Linux gaming?
Racing Games
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is the best RPG of the last 10 years. Why haven't you played it?
I'm switching to PC
Smash Ultimate is dying
Post videogames that turned you into a vegan
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
What's the appeal of Wrpgs
Does Zig Forums think she's cute?
This motherfucking game gets really boring after midgar
Post Video game characters that (you) love!
That 16 years old Karen in your class
BREAKING: PS5’s digital event generated MORE views than PS last E3 and PS4’s reveal
Nintendo Direct 6/25/2020 (Online E3 event)
Real life bosses!
COLD BLOODED Total Warhammer thread
'Tis cold in my tent
Animal Crossing thread
Really makes you think
Not possible on PC
Be Sega
Need to protect
What makes the Microsoft boys make their micropeepees go hard?
New Batman game, Rocksteady game and Harry Potter game to be announced in August
Tifa or Aerith?
Play fighting games
You have enough money to buy only one
Well? Which will YOU choose?
Guilty Gear "players" on Zig Forums: Xrd is alive bro you just have to ask for games...
Motion Blur: ON
This game was a tech demo
Upload VR Showcase
*lip smack*
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand DROPPED
Vegeta. I see you have no lifeguard here on your beach
Game makes absolutely no sense
This game is supposed to have it all
Kill rat
Game hardblocks progress unless you complete a puzzle
Art doesn't have to be entertaining
Any video games where I can own slaves?
KINGDOM HEARTS Melody of Memory coming to consoles this year
Hitman 3
Here's your Theathrythm Kingdom Hearts games, bros
Games where you automatically lose by doing nothing
Pick 3
What exactly is wrong with a game taking itself seriously and making the player feel uncomfortable?
So let's be real
This game doesn't deserve its success
Persona 4 Gold
Why does she have elf ears?
FFXIV thread
Pokemon Direct
What the fuck the music has changed ?
Level 1-2 is literally just a bridge
Buy game to coom
Not being made by media molecule
Hah, fuckin' virgin!
Do you think Overwatch has a future? Maybe Blizzard will just cancel OW2
Why is no one talking about one of the greatest returns?
Let's have a cheeky bandigirl threads bros
What do they taste like?
Bought a 1060 6gb for $280 shekels in fall of 2016
The absolute state of nu-blizzard
Japan is saving the game industry
The headline might look impressive but when you look at the actual numbers...
Why the fuck do I not feel like playing any games anymore?
Why'd they make Tifa look like a JAV pornstar?
How many wiis do you own?
Holy fucking BASED
Start up Ocarina of Time on emulator for the 16th time
Nintendo Direct Leak
This guy is full of shit right...
What the fuck was his problem?
What happened to KanColle?
Here's your $2 million game bro
Why do people shit on checkerboard rendering? It looks better than equivalent PC pixel counts
Why does the SNES sound so much worse than the Genesis? So muffled and full of reverb
No Bloodborne 2 or any from exclusive. Gravity Rush is dead. Sega and Atlus jumped ship...
What is your opinion on "friendlies" in casual TF2 matchmaking?
Here's your Nintendo Direct bro
Sony: Censors everything
GTA IV has a darker tone and a more mature story than GTAV...
What the fuck is wrong with western video games?
Tfw have to force myself to fucking play vidya
Tell me Zig Forums what games fulfill your male fantasy?
News soon
Toad if he real
Should pandering to coomers be forbidden?
ITT: games only you've played
Actual ending of TLOU 2 leaked on reddit
Any other GOAT games?
It seems like your involvement in this M&M thread is part of the mandate of heaven
Why is he so based?
Are modern puzzle/problem solving games too easy?
This is the librarian
Free Witcher 3 copy on GOG if you own it on other platform
I just found out that this guy (Jason Kingsley) is one of the founders of Rebellion Developments (Makers of Sniper...
Melee is better than ultimate
Boycott cyberpuke
This creepy nearly friendless loser literally bought swimsuits for 2 of his only female friends and forced them to put...
I want to emulate demons souls good sirs
It's shit
How come Zig Forums wouldn't shut up about BOTW's scores for years but when its TLOU Part II suddenly all reviewers are...
How can Ethan even compete with THIS?
Goodbye Steamies. Valve is motherfucking done. It's fucking over
Here's your London esports team, bro
Is Zig Forums looking forward to Haven, the new game from The Game Bakers, the studio behind Furi?
Star Wars Squadrons
Pacifica Ocean
Any good jojo games?
Why do people use discord?
Thoughts on Star Wars: Squadrons?
Favorite gacha YouTuber keeps bringing up blm garbage in their videos and streams
Zig Forums doesn't game on a standing desk
Post the last game you gave a 10/10
Replace a word in a vidya title with milf
RTX 2070 Super
Why are there no good comedy games?
Smash reveal at 9AM EST
Do you feel BAD yet?
Why can't video games have character designs like this?
Mid-June 2020, I am forgotten
It's... kinda boring
So, what have you been buying in the comfy Switch sale?
I am a Bloodborne lore sage. Ask me about Bloodborne lore...
Meanwhile in Zig Forums's Corruption Biome
The biggest PC game of 2020 is a psvita port
Lobotomy Corporation/ Library of Ruina
So, what's the demographic for this game? Sony must have had a reason for showing it off in equal light to demon souls...
Shitstomp ds1 and ds3 with no effort
You guys told me this game was shit, the reviews absolutely shit on this game
The real treasure was the friends we made along the way
Truth about 10/10 reviews
”...and thank you”
Miyazaki is not a hac-
R8 my room Zig Forums
It's better than 2
Anyone here plays Overwatch on PC?
Dude play indie games
The greta debate
His silence is making me nervous
Her game. Will you buy it?
What's your favourite PS4 exclusive?
Damn, based EA
I doubt you could even imagine it
Persona 4 Golden Steam Edition PC Port Development Was Lead Internally by Atlus Japan
What video game music make this happen?
Yeah, I think I'm based
Was octopath traveler unironically the most soulless video game to ever exist? fuck this game
ITT: games only you enjoyed
How can other RPGs even compete?
Youtuber makes video about your favorite obscure indie game
Did you finish every singleplayer mission yet, Zig Forums?
Is he the most epic gamer?
Character: *exists*
What went wrong with PC Gaming?
Arx Fatalis
PC Gamers.... Assemble!
So. Y'all ready to start from square one again? Because that's what he's doing as far as coding goes
The state of the RPG genre
Why were you upset that a videogame or videogame series you used to love became mainstream...
What the fuck did they think?
How did this not save Street Fighter 5?
Does Star Fox Zero deserve another chance on the Switch as a DE port?
If KHIII worlds were filer then FF7R's padded out Midgar is the equivalent of stretching the Olympus area into a 40hrs+...
Comfy Simpsons Hit & Run thread
Buy wonderful 101
Memes aside, do you think she'll be a good character? will Naughty Dog really make our opinions sway?
Deus Ex
How dumb do Atlus feel right now as they realize what a massive pile of money they've been missing out on by not...
HOLY SHIT check Nintendo social media right the fuck now
Archer class
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
What kind of gaming chair do you use Zig Forums? I need some ideas
The "The Last Jedi" of gaming
Good game or hipster trash?
Xbox July Event
Did you know that despite making up only 13% of the population, blacks make up 50% of Spider-Men in modern day New York
$60 + season pass + microtransactions + tip
If they remade the earlier series, how will they manage to fuck it up?
Imagine thinking this looks any good
Why'd he do it bros?
What went wrong?
I can't get over how perfect the N64 controller is
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Hand over the chip
Is there any TECHNOLOGY in death stranding?
I thought you guys said she was cringe, not based
Bruh did you see that Chad the other night? Mad lad was hella poggers dunking on those simps...
Post an Album. Get a videogame recommendation
The Team Fortress™ team has now replaced the main characters of the last game you played. What happens? Also...
The absolute state of speedrunners
Fallout: New Vegas
Persona 4 golden
Kojima NEEDS to make a horror game RIGHT NOW, I'm not even kidding
Play samurai shodown please. Online is dead
Unironic best fighting game to get into?
Indie game
What is the best roguelike of all time?
How comes everyone seems to be happy with the Demon's Souls Remake except for Zig Forums?
Being a video game programmer has to be the lamest occupation in the world...
Roastie Log
Explain to me how Switch not having Netflix is justifiable?
Games you had low expectation of but turned out to be realy fun
Thoughts on Wario?
So, uh... You playing any games that actually involve gameplay? Excited for any upcoming games that, uh...
Bigger = Better?
The Great Debate
ITT: god tier games that actually deserve to be remade
Hitman 2
New Bloodrayne game coming soon
All Elder Scrolls games suck
What headset does Zig Forums use?
Smash DLC Thread
Wow. It's almost like people actually prefer attractive feminine leads over purposely ugly/androgynous ones...
What a buffoon
Okay Sae, here’s the truth
Now that the dust is settled, is the Zero suit still necessary?
So did anyone get this bundle?
Little Devil PS5
Guess who's back
Over $1,000
Agility is objectively the best stat
Just a reminder that TF2 outlived Overwatch
Can we get an F in chat for destiny 3?
Would you choose an all-digital console or would you want a disc drive?
One more week until Persona 6
I thought this girl was a tsundere based on her design but she's just a massive slut
Imagine being this excited over some wrinkles
Morrowind is held up by that it was baby's first open world RPG and the writing, world building, story are very good...
Is pc gaming dead?
If the Digital PS5 has 1TB of extra NVMe space, I see no reason not to prefer it over the disc drive version...
Can get a 90 day tourist visa in japan if you're from any western country, no questons asked
Mfw the inevitable despair and anger from one fandom when one character gets in over theirs is the best part about...
Franchises where the fan projects are more popular than the official video games themselves
How come fighting games get the hottest characters?
Good guys are all multicultural
Is there even a single one of you dweebs that would dare try to 1v1 this autistic killing machine in a game of Apex
Why are modern companies like this?
I will now buy your game
Steam profile pic thread
Who killed gaming?
Lose FT10
Kingdom Come
Is it worth playing at all
This DLC has good gameplay and everything but the story fucking sucks and it boggles my mind that anyone thinks it's...
Here is you controller, bro
Name one 1 good reason why darkstalkers should come back
Why the fuck did i end up so underleveled?
Play a video game
Is this accurate?
What RPGs have the most interesting and diverse classes?
What is your limit for PS5 cost? I'd go $500 with the disc drive
New steam UI is trash
Why are you playing video games instead of working?
Is there any game to fill the void this trilogy left me? Everything seems so shitty after playing it
Steam give away
No good Terminator games ever
I like pretty girls in my video games and i'm proud
Bloodborne PC is real but it's not getting announced anytime soon
It's a proven fact that a white man's penis is too small and thin to properly stretch out the vaginal orifice and walls...
Mega Man
How the fuck do you go from Handsome Jack a well written likable villain, to this bullshit...
We raised him wrong as a joke
What is her name ?
Can you imagine what the switch 2 will be like? It's going to be so amazing I bet
Tfw they removed a romance option for best boy late in development
Post an image and others recommend a game based on that image
Just finished Oblivion again 14 years later
It's 4am
Any oldfags, neets, or otaku want to talk about video games?
Im going to activate the halo rings. You're all fucked now!
Why don't these type of games have a genre name? Why did it die out...
It's up
Which Dishonored game is objectively better?
Favourite vidya from childhood
This is a 150 year old city
Fairy Tail
Hayden retcon
Since all the ending leaks to date released have been fake, I will give you the ending proper
Art in Vidya
Any words for bayonetta 3?
Jump Rope bros
Find a flaw
16:9 & 144hz gaming is a meme
Literally just a small hobo with a gun
Animal Crossing thread
Honk Honk
Son.. we are beyond disappoint
It's the future of gaming
Three Houses
Fantasy setting
Is this powerful enough to run any game
What is the appeal anyways?
Buy a valve index for $1000
Do you look like a video game character?
What is a story that could only be told in a video game...
Xbox to have a HUGE showing in July
The developers of the last game you played are going to be the developers of the sequel to your favorite game
Do you realistically see Atlus porting all of their backlog to Steam?
Game has a comic relief character
Make it Zig Forums related and make a mix with it too
I miss him
Be me
Games sequel is a completely different genre
It's not even that good
Its next week. What are you looking to get what vidja should I add to the backlog?
ITT Manga that would make for good games
Why is this character so likable despite screaming at you and forcing you to fight with him all the time?
Imagine having to wait for the PS5 to play Demons Soul
So, what do you want to see?
Classic WOW is saved
If this had been on PC at launch it would still be alive...
Are you still playing it?
Give me your best playstation 1 games
Is silent hill really all that great because I’m playing 2 and not enjoying it
GTA: Seattle
Design whores and write them as whores
ITT: worst games of the series
What is the most retarded thing you've seen in a mario party game?
Buy her game
Which one do you prefer Zig Forums?
If you can recognize this character you have a severe mental illness
Tfw you realize youve been browsing Zig Forums all day
Joined a video game club
I am now the protagonist and you will sympathize me if something bad happens to me whether you like it or not
There, I fixed it
He picks tokugawa
Menu managing snoozefest turn-based combat
What games do our good friends in Europe play?
So what went wrong?
ITT: Vidya characters who went through a lot
Irl vidya locations
Check it out, between the dumpsters there
Night in the Woods dev gets accused of sexual harassment and the media rushes to call him out
Webm thread
Want to play vidya
Smash Flash 2
Why is valve doing this? LGBT is only 1% of the population
Games for this feel?
What "gaming" peripherals do you own?
Sup yall, huge fag here, thinking about getting one of the Xenoblade games...
Now that dust has settled
Why do people like Xenoblade? The game looks like an offline singleplayer MMO
Game genre switches for 2 seconds
Why is Lilith so superior to Morrigan?
Wish ps4 miles looked more like spiderverse miles. On ps4 he looks like a 56% monster
Is it safe to say that The Binding of Isaac is the best, or if not...
Not like I'm going to lose my virginity anytime soon jackbox thread
Universally loved by everyone
The New Vegas strip is a joke. Only three playable casinos? Nellis is bigger than this place
ITT: Post your video game opinions that are so contrarian they sound like bait
Why didn't they bang?
What was HIS problem?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Was Kung Fu Chaos racist?
Realistically speaking, what is the most toxic fanbase on Zig Forums, and how can we fix it? Also...
Buyfag thread
This has "flop" written all over it
Please explain why you didn't give this game a chance?
FFXIV thread
How do we fix modern Sonic?
ITT: The first videogame you played
Start losing
How do you think a goblin should be designed? Hot and humanlike or monstrously ugly?
Start playing Guilty Gear you brainless cephalopod
What are some of your favorite optional superbosses in games?
Monster Hunter
Has your significant other ever gotten you a video game as a gift?
Just started this, what is the chadest of weapons that I should focus on...
Vidya funnies
Zig Forums
Now that the dust has settled, which is objectively the better controller?
If you can recognize this character you have a severe mental illness
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine