I thought this girl was a tsundere based on her design but she's just a massive slut

I thought this girl was a tsundere based on her design but she's just a massive slut.

Attached: 2125695-risep4g.png (480x380, 176.09K)

>Only wants to fuck you
>Massive slut

>girl is actually upfront about her feels for (Yu) instead of being all “OwO I’m soooo embaressed don’t look at meeeee!”
>Zig Forums immediately thinks she’s a slut
do you guys just hate yourself or something

Attached: C6C705AC-12C3-4132-B0CB-60C5053B544A.jpg (372x321, 61.27K)

She only has eyes for Yu (you)

Attached: Rise.jpg (498x567, 121.21K)

get dunked on op

Attached: P4G_Trophy_HardcoreRisetteFan.png (240x240, 97.54K)

she only has eyes for (you) retard

Any trophy you need a literal spreadsheet to get is terribly implemented. I got the platinum in P4G on the Vita but I did not enjoy it. Only reason I bothered was because I could play at work.

This game has been played by millions

>for her design
what even was the first picture you saw of her to think this
tsundere facial expressions have some very typical characteristics and she didn't cue any of those

not him but the twintails

shes a slut only for you. which is why she is best girl.

Yeah, you need to play in a very specific way if you're gonna get it.
The game doesn't encourage switching up your party and if you've ever played any Persona or Megaten before you probably won't get the death or status effect lines.

i figured
so like
>twintails = automatic tsundere
lmao dumb stupid shit

That and twintails are fucking stupid

>twintails = automatic tsundere
this but unironically. if you're not a tsundere but you have twintails then you are fucking up hard.

horrible taste.

you can hold that opinion on your own but i'm only going to reject logical fallacies here

>do you guys just hate yourself or something
Has this ever been in doubt?

Literally only good for facefucking, and even then there are better hairstyles for that.


Attached: COULD IT BE.jpg (360x450, 40.21K)

Rise looks 100% better with her hair down

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Does everyone still have all their images from 2008?

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>do you guys just hate yourself or something
Vuh just has a serious case of Madonna-Whore Complex


Attached: TSUNDERE.jpg (188x236, 10.82K)

Twintails are shit.

Attached: 1484777524383.png (1083x1496, 1.1M)

And the problem with that is?

Please don't bully Rise, she's really good at fellatio!

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Just because she's a slut for senpai doesn't mean she doesn't have multiple dozen senpais

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Twintails are the shit

Attached: Julliane Stingray.jpg (1024x1582, 407.17K)

And rimjobs!
She will milk you dry in minutes

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>was extremely excited an ex-idol with severe depression and snark was going to be a party member, much less a social link
>said depression literally vanishes after her dungeon, and just becomes the fucking idol again as if there was never a fucking issue in the first place
Fucking trash-taste nips. Best girl and boy are the homeroom teachers

It's literally because she finally accepted herself. The entire theme of P4 is one's own self-acceptance user.