Do you think Overwatch has a future? Maybe Blizzard will just cancel OW2.
Do you think Overwatch has a future? Maybe Blizzard will just cancel OW2
Bleached on a beach with a teach
inb4 mad cucks
>Do you think Overwatch has a future?
It will if they keep making pornbait skins
Isnt she white?
Racist white girls are hot
t. nonwhite cuck
The whole "bleached" response to "blacked" is so pathetic, you can tell it's all just a desperate defense of their own masculinity because, just like this post, 90% of bleached content is white girls. it isn't about the conquest of another group like blacked, but a desperate defense of their own image. I'm a white guy who has jungle fever myself and the whole bleached sub-genre is entirely disappointing.
I don't get the belached meme. isn't the ideal Zig Forums approved wife a traditional girl and not some degenerate that fetishizes race?
I get blacked, it's the idea that you have this perfect angel and she's chosen to degrade her self and throw it all away, it's similar to fat ugly old guy in hentai. but bleached just sounds like a pathetic response to blacked