Got stuck after dragons? well to bad you should've inspected the photo machine

>got stuck after dragons? well to bad you should've inspected the photo machine
>got stuck after getting your photo taken? well too bad you should've visited Librarian more than one time, without any incentive to do so
>got stuck after invert? well too bad you should've finished completing right part of the map
>got stuck after you've found some armor? well too bad you should've read a weak armor's inscription and realized you can bypass inverted entrance
>blood drain and twice moon-sword parts are alright I guess

Seriously how is anyone supposed to do all of this without a guide? rubbish game design

Attached: capsule_616x353.jpg (616x353, 82.14K)

also the moon should've popped the instant fight began

lol this zoomer hasnt played CV2

CV2 is not something you play user its something you know of due to memes and youtube videos

I got stuck on a couple of those parts but still didn't need a guide to continue. Just had to reflect on what I just did, what items I just got, and talk to the three whole important people in the game.

Took me a whole five minutes worth of investigating the game to figure shit out. If that is just way too much work and you need giant flashing quest markers then that's on you, bruh.
The game is far from perfect but it's pretty straightforward.

Attached: FreeShrugsAfterSchool.jpg (1024x1024, 144.24K)

Some corners were cut and that led to a bit of a mess, the aqua stream shard was supposed to come from the cancelled boss fight.

The only things I had to look up were the spike armor's location, and how to get the underwater shard. Everything else was straightforward.

yeah I got stuck in the Aegis Armor part

but did you have fun, user?

yeah I did user, it was a good game, could've used just 2 more months though