Was octopath traveler unironically the most soulless video game to ever exist? fuck this game
Was octopath traveler unironically the most soulless video game to ever exist? fuck this game
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I remember being excited for this and got it but it turned out to feel like 8 different beginnings of a JRPG. And you know how JRPGs are slow to start and all... what were they thinking? Good concept, poor execution.
no, it's oozing soul. It's just a very basic JRPG at its core.
Actual retard. Yes it lacks soul but you're just being a silly retard
I just couldn't grasp why so many people were so hyped about it, I tried the demo, it was generic as fuck, felt like an indie game
I'll never know, because apparently sqaure thinks $60 for a retro game is a fair price.
Great game, seriously. It’s gameplay based not story. You might want to check out PlayStation op.
it's just generic FF combat you retard
the game also looks like utter shit
user inanimate items dont have souls.