Japan is saving the game industry

>Demon's Souls Remake
>Project Aitha
>Resident Evil VIII
>Ghostwire Tokyo
>Bayonetta 2
>Elden Ring
>Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon
>Scarlet Nexus
>Babylon's Fall
>Project GG
>King of Fighters XV
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Project Awakening

Attached: 15765246.jpg (684x855, 54.01K)

That's a man

The Demon's souls remake isn't being made by the Japanese.

no user, thats a mexican

>Demon Souls Remake
>all these mindless buttonmasher hacknslashs

Attached: a31.png (510x405, 205.01K)

>Demon's Souls Remake
Dude, that's Bluepoint.

Not gonna lie, I like knowing OP is a mentally ill tranny who'll never even visit Japan.

That’s a Mexican

>made by Bluepoint and Japan Studio

she looks jewish