If the Digital PS5 has 1TB of extra NVMe space, I see no reason not to prefer it over the disc drive version...

If the Digital PS5 has 1TB of extra NVMe space, I see no reason not to prefer it over the disc drive version. Who the fuck uses discs in 2020? PC Master Race has been past this shit for a decade. I would literally pay $100 more for the digital version with more disc space. Also it's more aesthetically pleasing.

Attached: ps5 digital.jpg (206x494, 11.49K)


Based retard or baiter.

Alright, you guys can fucking try to debate me on this. I will win. No one can reasonably explain why you need a disc drive in the year 2020 if you live in the first world. Every game these days comes with 30GB+ patches anyways. How is it that the PC master race has been 100% digital for over 10 years, and it's caused literally 0 problems for anyone?

>selling games
Literally poorfag tier. Haven't done this in over 10 years when I was in high school.

>No one can reasonably explain why you need a disc drive in the year 2020 if you live in the first world
Because if the games are shit you can at least use the PS5 as a bluray player. Never go all digital for movies.

Attached: image.png (878x619, 113.16K)

enjoy your collection of 4 games

an advertised feature is 4K bluray you mouthbreathing retard, believe it or not people buy blurays still

First, because I like to have a physical collection. It's pretty neat.
Second, if devs go full retard and decide to change a character into a tranny or mess with the game mechanics in a wrong way, at least I'll have the original unpatched version I could technically play if I want.

>Limiting your options... ever.

Why would it have larger storage? It is the most expensive part of the machine. Having 825GB on the PS5 is a statement enough of cutting costs. They know the Xbox marketing division will rip them apart for this. Every single SeX will have a huge 1TB logo on it.