Check it out, between the dumpsters there

Check it out, between the dumpsters there

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Sure what’s up dude


One of your buddies?

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I remember punching that fucker with a powerfist and having his headless corpse fly into that open dumpster.
Greatest day of my life.

Yeah, I could probably take this guy with a razor blade.

Holy shit, it's fallout 76 there

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>5th grade
>Mom dropped me off at Discovery Club every morning at like 7am before she went to work
>Friend in there asks if I wanna see something cool
>I say yeah
>We go to the dumpsters in back of the school
>In between two of them we see some legs poking out from under a blanket
>Suddenly get really scared and run back inside
>Later in 2nd period get called into principal's office
>She asks if I left the Discovery Club unattended
>Start crying and tell her what happened
>She tells me I'm not in trouble and sends me back to class with a Tootsie Pop
>Mom picks me up at lunch and never takes me to Discovery Club again
>Have dreams where I'll be doing normal stuff then suddenly I see those legs popping out under a blanket, causing me to wake up scared

Years later I learned from looking up old news stories that it was the body of a homeless guy, and apparently he died while asleep under the blanket. How the school kept it under wraps for the students I'll never know, but that shit legitimately scared me.

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I thought this story was going to end with you abandoning your friend to be raped by a hobo
So you saw a dead body, big whoop it's not like it was a dead person, it was a hobo

It was still scary as a kid.