Wow. It's almost like people actually prefer attractive feminine leads over purposely ugly/androgynous ones...

Wow. It's almost like people actually prefer attractive feminine leads over purposely ugly/androgynous ones. Who woulda thunk? Think Snoy will take notice? Or is that wishful thinking?

Attached: 938734.png (435x240, 145.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I think at has more to do with the gameplay, but whatever you say..

Wishful thinking. They'll do what movie directors have done, blame it on misogyny, and say gamers are dead

Apples and oranges. Fuck off secondary. Go play a video game, I know it's probably been months.

Even then, they probably won't take notice of this.

>game that appeals to children/manchildren has more youtube views

One is a
>fun colorful adventure game that's immediately obvious what it is and how you're gonna have fun with it
the other is a
>2deep4u walking simulator

Also devs need to fuck off with face scanning

how the fuck is it a wlking simulator? did you even see the trailer?

>Wow. It's almost like people actually prefer attractive feminine leads over purposely ugly/androgynous ones.

Then explain Horizon.
Protag was going to be hot, made it into a man-faced she beast, praised by Zig Forums and normies.

Attached: aloy concept 2.png (1166x810, 878.72K)

Uironically sold all my consoles recently. Made about $3k in profit ($7.5k total). No gaming PC either. Thinking of getting a high end gaming laptop, but I'm hesitant due to the impending release of the 3000 series. Mobile cards take too goddamn long to come to the market imho.

Attached: 1591596734405.png (658x907, 626.82K)

western devs are never going to let face scanning go. It draws in moviefags in and promotes laziness. All they need to do now is get Ellen Page or Keanu Reeves to lend their likeness to them, instead of having to go through the work of creating original characters.

Before anyone says cost, obviously smaller Deb's are going to use this. But ones like Sony that can throw infinite money at a project? They're only going to use it more.

>Then explain Horizon.
Graphics >>> Everything else


looks like a trannie boy

She cute af
Cunnykino upon us boys

Attached: 440100_966Q84J4lC_kena.jpg (1430x645, 133.99K)

That's 4.3% dislikes. 5% dislikes is about average for a YouTube video, so no, it does not have a high dislike percentage.

You do the judging yourself, user.

Attached: compare and contrast.jpg (1198x1589, 157.27K)

Female protagonist = shit.

no fap it is

I mean playing as a Karen is kinda unique, but why is she so fucking ugly?

I thought it was Gwendolyn Christie lol.

I'm not interested in Returnal because of the appearance of the main character.

And how everything about Returnal looked so bland and hackneyed.
Wouldn't matter if the PC was a supermodel or a potato.

how about the generic TPS gameplay

returnal has more gameplay than kena

i dont care, both these games look trash

I honestly just think kena is infinitely more interesting of a trailer / concept. returnal looked boring asf


thank you time traveller

it was what the trailers show

More like Ret-URINAL

>and promotes laziness
There's just as much if not more work going into face scanning than there is in fully manual modeling. The problem isn't lack of effort it's lack of talent.

Trying to channel that Sandra Bullock energy

Attached: E0BCCD2C-CB52-44F1-959D-1B1723FA2E31.jpg (220x326, 71.36K)

then you're clearly blind because Kena had more gameplay variety than just another generic tps

One is coming to PC, the other is not
Guess which one i'm interested in

Attached: 1586444287512.gif (194x172, 1022.98K)


what a dumb fucking name

>homosexual projection

Let me redirect you back to

For me it was the storytelling through gameplay method. But your headcannon is probably more fun for you.

It's not even just the MC that looks more attractive, the world and graphics in general do too. Crazy how a literal indie game by a devteam who has never made a game before looks better than AAA fare in 2020. It's like TW3 all over again.

Attached: Kena vs Returnal.jpg (3840x2160, 1.66M)

imagine thinking youtube likes represent anything at all lmao

Her face looks so out of place, it's like something out of Siren

At least Siren did it on purpose

To be fair there's AAA Snoy games with color in them, Horizon and nuGoW were colorful as fuck

No it has to do with the art style and feel, you barely even see any Kena gameplay in the trailer but it looks gorgeous.

that's until it gets downgraded

Isn't that actress from transformers 3 and 3 billboards?

but popular = bad, so right is better. I learned this from Zig Forums

to pedo

lots of games with handsome guy protags sell well, why would horizon be any different?

Neither of them have attractive feminine leads.
Stop shilling.

Not at all what's happening here, OP. They are different games.

Gender locked characters in 2020 lol
Modern games need proper customization, like cyberpunk

Sadly yeah, looks way too good.