Persona 4 Gold

P4G thread.
How's progress going, user? Have you beat shadow Kanji yet or is he filtering you?

Attached: I'll Face Myself [].png (1920x1080, 3.9M)

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Well shit that's not the right version of the song I was looking for.

I refuse to play anymore until someone mods in reach out to the truth as the default battle theme.

I really like Time to Make History, though. It makes sense to make you work for the best battle theme by trying to take advantage against the enemy.
I personally want a mod that will turn off rise and Teddy's announcements.
Even in fucking P5 and P5R that's still not an option.

Currently on the second dungeon and the tiger attached to a ball+hand encounter has already wiped me twice without me being able to act. Guess I'm underleveled.

Time to make history > Reach out to the truth

>he is not getting player advantage

Attached: 1391112534283.jpg (249x244, 5.68K)

You know, PS2 era graphics rendered at high resolution is the apex. I wish indie devs weren't too incompetent to do anything other than phoned in pixie art.

>he actually bothers enough to go for it

Attached: 1581844743651.jpg (604x604, 118.3K)

If only you could take out the horrible motion blur when you're walking around school.