Do you realistically see Atlus porting all of their backlog to Steam?

Referring mostly to the DS/3DS games and Atlus' library of megaten/Etrian Odyssey/Trauma Center games. Keep in mind a few of the Persona developers and Atlus Japan themselves did the P4G port with helped from the USA and Europe branch, so at least the ports most likely won't half-assed like Catherine Classic. Of course Citra is already a thing but that has more to do with how easily Nintendo hardware is hacked and people are still thirsty for games in their library that can be emulated. All in all, it's not like the DS' second screen is absolutely necessary for any of these games and couldn't be assigned to a button or mini-map.

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I hope

Whatever bro just appreciate what ends up making it.

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If they don't, they are truly gay and allergic to money

Here's what I can see happening
>Raidou I & II
>Digital Devil Saga I & II
>Persona 3: Fes
>Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

I think they'll start with this, If these see any level of success we might see more.

Atlus has a diverse catalog but it makes most sense to me, that they start with SMT and see how that goes. Persona 4 seems to be very popular on steam. Reworking some of the ds games might take a little bit of work, and they'd be ugly as sin on PC. they'd have to do a lot to make it an appealing product on pc.

probably just persona
you know how atlus is

Persona 5 Royal
Catherine Full Body (maybe)
Persona Dancing Games
Persona Arena
Persona 3

and that's it. SMT will be stuck on handhelds. They don't want those handheld games on PC, since the bad graphics will make them look bad. They're too embarrassed.

I doubt it, but I can see P3 and a few of the other Persona spinoff games coming in. Once some of their older games get "old enough" they'll quietly port them either to android or steam like they've done with a lot of their MegaTen catalogue.
Etrian Odyssey with a minimap/toggle is sacrilege though so I came here to say fuck you.

I can't see Atlus proper making too many ports, and I don't really want that. They're slow enough at making new games as is. I can see a ton of outsourced ports though.

>Atlus fanart featuring all their major series
Why can't more fanart be like this instead of Just Persona 3, 4, and 5? Although I like these games, Atlus' other games look really cool! I enjoyed SMTIV though.

Etrian Odyssey could work on PC with good enough mouse controls. As it stands, I don't like playing it on DeSmuME.

I honestly never thought I'd see the day when Atlus would bring Persona to PC, they were so staunchly against it for so many years but the day has finally come.

I certainly hope they bring their other games over as well, there's definitely an audience for it on PC.

>Catherine Full Body
man, that would be dope, but honestly looks like the less likely to happen

Who's the blondie above Morgana at the bottom left?

The EO series (and consequently SJ) are way too tied to the (3)DS' architecture to be ported anywhere else. IV/A and botj DeSu games are possible, but would likely end up with clunky UI and look awful from the jump in screen resolution.

They’ll start seeing severe diminishing returns if they bring stuff over too fast
They’ll want to stagger stuff to like 6 months/ a year

I see them porting Persona 5, and maybe maybe some form of Persona 3.

Sounds like you're being optimistically realistic enough, this however is depressingly realistic. I'm fine with either one if it just means Atlus continues its business on PC.
They would take a pretty substantial graphical overhaul which is where Sega outscoring them to be touched up would work.
>Why can't more fanart be like this instead of Just Persona 3, 4, and 5?
There's a few of these and they're all pretty aesthetically good
I hope they don't roll them out all at once else the audience will be burnt out

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The best girl.

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Gunner from Etrian Odyssey 2

>Persona Q ported to steam
One can only hope

SMT V is in Unreal Engine
A PC port would be really easy
If it ever comes out

Nah, Atlus hates money and actively thwart any effort to get people to play their games.

I was genuinely surprised ArcSys didn't have Persona 4 Ultimax on PC already, it'd be nice to see that if Atlus ever stops dragging their feet.

Yes, especially if P4G outsells P5R which is quite possible.

The whole lot? not a chance.... But if Golden manages to sell a truckload then anything is possible.
If anyone is saying or thinking this and hasn't bought Golden on PC then they're a fucking idiot and will get the future they choose.

Why bother, most of what I heard Persona fans say about it was whining that it's too hard and it excessively flanderizes the characters.
I thought it was alright, just a really, really easy EO crossover game, but for what the average fan wants out of it couldn't they just watch the cutscenes on Youtube?

Please give me SMTIV remastered.

they don't even need to port Catherine FB, once it releases on Switch it'll be playable on PC with Yuzu

Redpill me on Etrian Odyssey. The games look like old school RPGs that are unforgiving and holds your hand very little with its systems. Will I have to look things up to even get through it? Any of its 6 games recommend for a newbie?

>They don't want those handheld games on PC, since the bad graphics will make them look bad.
They literally just ported P4G. Why are personafags so retarded?

The first two games are pretty brutal, after that the games became forgiving but not defanged.
You won't have to look up anything, it's very straightforward and being able to create your own maps means you'll know the dungeons pretty well.
There's a ton of class customization, although some builds are more broken then others, the games are designed to allow a lot of variety so long as you don't go for some retard party.
I feel like 3 is pretty forgiving and a good starting point. It also emulates well in case you don't have a DS. But I'm pretty biased because I started on 3.