FFXIV thread

6.0 better not be Stormblood: Garlemald edition
New job better be a Healer or Ranged Physical
Chemist would be cool, but I'm afraid we'll probably get some "something something aether, healing magick gimmicks no-one cares about"

Attached: ffxiv thread.png (661x718, 80.12K)

Someone make a cute elf model for me. Also post glam suggestions for cute elf's like pic related.

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Attached: FFXIV_Ilberd_culprid.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Is the level 80 DoL/doH job specific gear worth it? Other than for glams? Or should I power through and just get the Swallowskin set, etc?

Scholasticate coat? It's pretty nice, probably even better on the taller toons.

Attached: f_oth_f.jpg (500x1000, 100.39K)

Everything is delayed because of the hantavirus.

Why are the husbandos in this game so top tier while the waifu game is trash?


He's actually not wrong

>better be a Ranged Physical
>after literally just getting DNC
Kill yourself, rangedfag. You're just too shitty to play a melee or caster.