6.0 better not be Stormblood: Garlemald edition
New job better be a Healer or Ranged Physical
Chemist would be cool, but I'm afraid we'll probably get some "something something aether, healing magick gimmicks no-one cares about"
FFXIV thread
Luke Williams
Austin Wilson
Someone make a cute elf model for me. Also post glam suggestions for cute elf's like pic related.
Ayden Turner
Noah Watson
Is the level 80 DoL/doH job specific gear worth it? Other than for glams? Or should I power through and just get the Swallowskin set, etc?
Brayden Roberts
Scholasticate coat? It's pretty nice, probably even better on the taller toons.
Brody Nelson
Everything is delayed because of the hantavirus.
Evan Phillips
Why are the husbandos in this game so top tier while the waifu game is trash?
Noah Rodriguez
Joseph Edwards
He's actually not wrong
Carter Richardson
>better be a Ranged Physical
>after literally just getting DNC
Kill yourself, rangedfag. You're just too shitty to play a melee or caster.