Melee is better than ultimate

Refute this.

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Heeeeeell no

I don't think so.

lol no

Even Brawl is better than Ulti, bro. Nobody is gonna argue with your stance unless they are trolling.

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make a netplay room

Hmm, something smells awful around here....

Smash Ultimate have Banjo Kazooie!! My faborite chsrscter! The roster is sooo much better ! Thank you Sakurai for listing to me after 14 years !

That's unfortunate user. I hope you figure out what it is and get to the bottom of it.

based. fuck ultimate fags.

Melee is an antique

Yes, it's you. Now go change your pants, ultsharter.

>worse items
>no stages
>small roster
>no music
>ugly models
>no single player
>no online
how's melee better again

struck a nerve, huh smelees?

What? I was just hoping you find what's causing your smell. I hope it isn't mold, that can be a health hazard!

Fact: Smash players all smell like shit because the series is shit

>worse items
>implying anyone does that nowadays past 1+ year into nu smash games
>no stages
>he likes ulti's god awful stage design and the fact that platforms aren't used if at all
>small roster
>better gameplay as a result
>no music
>when each piece from melee is an absolute fucking banger
>ugly models
>when it completely defines the game
>no single player
>and brawl did it the best but at the same time failed with some features that melee did greatly at
>no online
lmao, reply with anything and to say otherwise xd

No, you don't understand. That actually happened. Twice.

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I respect your opinion but I beg to differ on it. Brawl is probably the worst out of all the smash titles. It was even the smash game I've played the most of.

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Adventure mode in Melee was the series peak single player content. It's still fucking excellent and while Brawl tried, aside from the cutscenes it became a tedious slog. Ultimate's is.. fine, really, but doesn't come close.

Can't argue the rest. I miss BTF & BTT from 64 tho.

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utimate sucks but i have to put up with it because my friends cant be bothered to download an emulator and iso for netplay.

refutation dismissed

Ultimate is more exciting to watch.

I guess it's because there's more than three viable characters in that game.

Casual player here

>worse items
Items took a nosedive starting with brawl. It doesn't help that half of them can backfire on you. Wind gun is also complete bullshit.
>no stages
4 and Ultimate stages suck dick.
>small roster
Roster was perfect in Brawl. Too many characters now it feels like every new addition has a sword. This is Smash not fucking Soul Calibur.
>no music
Music was good in the first three games. You don't seem to understand the concept of quantity vs quality.
>ugly models
Nigga what? Melee has fantastic models for its time.
>no single player
Give me old classic and old adventure over the endless horde of trash modes in 4/Ultimate.
>no online
As it should be. Fighters (which includes party ones) should stay on the couch.

>Wind gun is also complete bullshit.
Just shield. Brawl had the best items though.
>Ultimate stages suck dick.
80% of melee's stages are in ult. The remaining 20% is shit like icicle mountain or poke floats i.e trash.
there's nothing inherently wrong with a large roster as long as every character is unique. Ult is partially lazy in this department since most of the newcomers are cheap amalgamations.
Brawl had the best soundtrack. Ult is filled with most of brawls music thus making it superior to melee's.
>Melee has fantastic models for its time
not when that monstrosity that is yoshi exists
>Fighters (which includes party ones) should stay on the couch.
but I don't have friends or family

>complaining about large roster
Meleefaggots really are braindead.

Ultimate would be better if buffering was removed and the netplay wasn't unplayable garbage.

I'm sorry but no.

last week I was repairing my gamecube and to test it, I brought it out and played melee with my nephews.

I'm not a graphics fag, but jeesh, there is definitely a big difference.
Also the character roster is so small. After like 5 matches we all played as everyone, same for the stages.

It's sad that it wasn't as fun as I remembered it.

But I still think the 1Player mode is the best in Melee.

It’s fun for casual to somewhat-serious play, but even a lot of competors have said they don’t enjoy this game. Ultimate is a much better game for casual play, but if you want literally anything deeper than that melee is clearly better. There’s really no arguing this. I only started playing melee in February and I love how it feels and plays. Not to mention how much less frustrating playing other people online is in that game. No camping or braindead play. It’s a dream. I know people are going to mention puff, but there are 30 characters in ultimate who are much more frustrating to fight than puff. ESPECIALLY online.

Melee has nothing left but single player and challenge mode.

Refer to this If all you care about is playing with some buddies, melee is clearly the worse game.

unless your buddies aren't total faggots