The new Xbox Series X controller, like its predecessors, will use AA batteries instead of a rechargeable battery that is found in PlayStation's DualShock controllers.
The new Xbox Series X controller, like its predecessors...
so buy rechargeable AA batteries
The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller can last 50 hours on a single charge.
>he doesn't play with the charge kit
Well it doesn't have bright LED glow when active, so it's obviously shit
How do you know that?
>Having to pay extra for the privilege to recharge
>American will defend this
swappable batteries are superior.
>no permanent degradation of battery life of controllers
>rechargable AA batteries are super cheap
> don't need to be wired to a shitty cable just to recharge
>batteries topped off instantly in 10s
Easily replaceable batteries are far better. On PS4 when your battery runs out (after about 4 - 5 hours of play, less if you have headphones plugged into the controller) you then have to open up the controller, deal with the fucking ribbon cable holing the back shell and mobo together, take out the battery, replace it with a charged one (costs more than rechargeable double As), and put it back together to start playing again.
>inb4 just plug it in
Why should I have to be tethered to my system like that, especially when the competitor just lets me easily swap out batteries in 10 seconds?
Nice blog post, bro.
Plug it in a powerbank from the dollar store.
Just buy more shit bro
Replaceable batteries are far better in the long run.
I got one of those nyko rechargeable ones that came with 2 batteries so I can just swap and recharge em whenever while staying wireless.
I'd rather deal with AA batteries than some sealed lithium ion crap. You can get rechargeable AAs easy
>batteries in 2020
what a fucking joke
it should do the 8bitdo thing where it can do either
Its kinda funny honestly
it does, it's been this way since the 360. You can use either batteries or a rechargeable pack.
>being able to use batteries or use a rechargeable battery and replace it is a bad thing
>having your controller screwed and only being able to use a rechargeable battery is a good thing
snoyfag """"logic""""
Fuck built in rechargeable batteries
How much is Energizer or Duracell paying Microsoft for this? lol
Thank fuck. Built in rechargeables are the fucking worst. They get worse over time and are ass to replace, plus when they run out in a given session, you have to plug in or dock the controller instead of just swapping out when you’re ready. If you leave them docked constantly, that’ll kill the battery life.
But it only lasts two months without drifting.
Why get a charge kit when you can just get rechargeable AAs?
beats having to play with your controller connected in any circunstance.
shut. Yes it does.
I've been using the same rechargeable batteries since the 360 days and will still be using them for my SeX.
it should come with the controller at no extra cost
remember that time you went to the club but I said I didn't feel very well? I just used the money to buy all these...and that night you got no pussy too, now you can cry louder, it's not like I can hear you over all these batteries
keep sleepin on xbox it will be your own downfall
Xbots sure love their AAs, I'll stick with my AAAs
Anything is better than the ds4 battery life. Going from the ds3 to that was stupid.
ds5 battery won't be shit, right?
Gotta power that NSA provided always on microphone somehow
they went for the shitty aptic feedback, so it will be "all battery" I think, no rumble
Holy fuck kill yourself faggot
good post
haptic feels good when done right, like on the iphone x and up, but it can be really shitty if it doesn't make good contact
>good post
just use the usb
Uhmm... BASED department?
>Easily replaceable batteries are far better.
this, you're an actual mongoloid if you don't think parts you can change out on you can easily replace on your own is better
I'm fine with it on the switch and the pro controller, but for "real games" I don't know, it's not that important anyway
> Not using premium blacks
You win this round, Sony.