So we all agree that Ashely was shit right?
Mass Effect
She was shit but we have to stan her anyway because space rayciss
Why'd they make her look like such a bimbo in ME3? One of her appeals was that she was homely girl but in ME3 she looked like a failed Kardashian clone.
I understand Ashley overcomes or somewhat softens her racism as her character arc, but she is unbearably racist anyway and her arc is poorly handled. And she's such a fucking bootlicker.
Only thing that sucks about her is that she is still complaining about Cerberus even in ME3.
>but she is unbearably racist
That's her selling point though.
user aliens aren't people
Jack>Tali>Liara>Ashley>Miranda>>>>>>>Andromeda girls
I agree completely with this except Ashley and Miranda are equal.
One is a plastic boring fake bitch
and the other is Miranda.
Bimbo is the final form of a woman.
Yes but somehow she was still better than Kaiden and there was no way to kill them both off in nuclear fire so she lived
Yes. Blowing her brains out in 3 was great
Vetra from Andromeda was a qt
People always say that, but I remember like 1 line of hers where shes like "I don't like aliens". Imho her far greater sin is being a massive cunt in 2 onwards
Andromeda was a trashfire that effectively killed the entire ME franchise but Vetra was cute. Also Cora had a fantastic ass and easily has the best sex scene in the franchise.
>because space rayciss
Ashely in ME1
>Shepard don't let a fuck foreign walk free around the ship, she will still our tech and shit
>fuck you, you xenophobic space rayciss
>you find out Tali did exactly that.
I thought people liked Miranda.
>Visible insertion
People liked Miranda's planet shaped ass. The actual character on the other hand was garbage. There's also the fact that if you romance her you're picking up Jacob's sloppy seconds since they used to fuck like rabbits.
ME trilogy remaster announcement today?
Probably not, but I'm hoping.
She hated aliens and was pro human so shes based as fuck
Better if they announce Bioware shutting down
Isn't Bioware pretty much dead anyway after Anthem was a massive failure?
SWTOR is probably still printing money from retards. so maybe.
Yep. Too bad she dies in the first game no matter who you choose to save. Even if she "lives", she's barely in 2 and not even a shell of her real self in 3. It still hurts.
she was ok in me1
slightly awful in me2
absolute fucking trainwreck garbage in me3
She's so annoying with her constant whining
Kaidan is much better
Kaidan is a bro
Always save Kaidan
Like everyone said she's okay in ME1. Then ME2 comes and she's all "I can't believe you betrayed us!" and refuses to listen to your side of the story. And then ME3 happens and not only does she look like a caricature of herself everything involving her is absolutely retarded. I unironcially think Cora is a better Ashley than Ashely.
The dude tries to fuck you in ME3. He's also bitch mode brooding, always angry.
>muh L2 implants reeeee
Both of the Virmire companions should die, they suck. Ashley is ok 1st game, then the devs shit all over her character and the bimbo get up is just piss on her grave.