Has there existed a bigger discrepancy between critic and user reviews for a game?
Has there existed a bigger discrepancy between critic and user reviews for a game?
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Way too obvious, if it was 5 or 6 it would be more legitimate but incels always go overboard.
Thank God Zelda still beats it by 2 points
pokemon SWSH
I played the first one on PS3 and I'd give that game a 1 if I left reviews.
Talking about the critic review? I agree, they fucked up.
This happened to
-Star Wars battlefront 2 (pre fix)
Above could be fixed yet still suffered. I doubt TLOU2 has that luxury.
I just find it funny a David cage game is better designed than naughty dog game lol
Not really. The gap TLOU2 has is way bigger.
SWSH was 1.7 at one point, TLOU2 will go up to 5-6
in which case the gap for TLOU2 will still be larger...
Yeah so organic, totally not angry incel review bomb.
You think review bombing makes this accurate?
May as well say that reviews that are bombed by chinks are accurate.
That would be a fake review too
It’s not. Honestly, a few adjustments—namely Ellie goes against Joel’s wishes and you play them both concurrently or something players WANTED would have fixes this.
indeed all those journaretards should have been honest and give it 45 tops
Whats funny is that no matter what it's still going to sell relatively well despite the leaks, reviews, and current circumstances.
used copies will flood ebay user
you need to wait a week, don't give it a flat 0, write your own description, and ensure you haven't also rated certain games on other platforms 10/10
3/4 of these reviews will just be fucking deleted because the spergs make it so obvious
I agree, people overestimate how many actual normal people browse the internet and even know about the leaks.
>Muh review bombing
Try a little harder next time.
Then we can also agree that "journalists" artificially inflating the score is not accurate either?
What are some games where they got "bombed by chinks" like you're saying?
Watching a friend play it right now. So far it's been pretty garbage
>The first plot point after the recap is "BTW I KISSED DINA LAST NIGHT, BTW I'M LESBIAN"
>I won't eat a sandwich by a bigot
>Half the characters look like they suffer from FAS
>Introduce new "female" character
>Honestly not sure if she's MtF, she has some huge fucking arms for a woman
>No one in the following scene sounds enthused, like the VAs were all drugged out on methadone for the take
I haven't been following TLoU2 because I've become pretty jaded to sequels of successful games, but everything I've seen so far has been shaping up to be much more in-line with the user score. There's been so little actual gameplay so far so I can't really comment on that.
And that means what for the company? Nothing. They got their money. Sony got their 9s and 10s to put on boxes and in PR. The machine keeps churning
>check the user reviews 99% are like this
Why are polfags like this it's honestly just sad and pathetic at his point is this what single mothers does to your brain? You guys need to get back to school asap all this internet is frying your brain.
>le pol boogeyman
kek cope more back to pol and scream about how niggers fuck your women
Isn't it weird to call it Zig Forums? I mean realistically isn't the logic behind SJW that it's supposed to be introducing NEW and INCLUSIVE ideas? So by definition it's literally NOT MAINSTREAM by you guys definition?
I feel like there's a paradox there.
Why do these people live rent free in your head?